

New York Spiritualists Conference

The New-York Times, May 12, 1879.

Spiritualists in Council.
A New Departure Wanted—The Day Gone by for “Phenomena.”

    There was abundant food for study in nearly every face and figure, in the strange pallor, the nervous movements, and the haggard eyes of most of the men and women who assembled at Republican Hall yesterday afternoon.  The occasion was a Spiritualist conference, and, as there was some suspicion that something might be said about Superintendent Kiddle’s case, the audience was considerably larger than usual.  However, as no manifesto or resolutions were put forth concerning the persecution of Mr. Kiddle by the orthodox people, a very large proportion of the assemblage left the hall after the first speaker had delivered himself, and there remained the usual group of 50 or thereabouts, prepared to suffer imaginary martyrdom and declaring their intention to offer themselves at the stake at the earliest convenient opportunity.  A gentleman at the door, who turns an honest penny by selling Spiritualistic publications, acted as usher, and the desk was occupied by a gray-haired gentleman, who hoped the ladies present would open their hearts and reveal their deep psychological life for the benefit of the conference.  He also announced that 10 minutes would be the limit of each speaker after the first, observing, in conclusion, that a distinguished Spiritualist speaker was present—one Mr. Caldwell—whose remarks would, no doubt, prove very edifying to the brethren and sisters.

    As the presiding officer uttered these words a boyish young man, who had been toying with the keys of the piano, advanced and bowed to the audience.  Mr. Caldwell, for he it was, thought the time had come for a new departure in Spiritualism—the time to question spirits, to lay less stress upon extraordinary phenomena than had hitherto been done, and to measure revelations from the spirit world by the sober methods of reason.  He did not believe that the statements of all spirits were to be taken without reservation, and pretty broadly intimated that some people in the spirit land were less competent as moral guides than one’s own reason and conscience.  He believed that if Spiritualism was to become a force in the world—anything more than a curious subject for speculation—Spiritualists must put their shoulders to the wheel, become prominent in all social and political reforms, and enter upon a new stage of existence as centres of progress.

    There were feeble demonstrations of approval from the younger and of dissent from the older members of the audience, as Mr. Caldwell went on to elaborate a comprehensive system of rational Spiritualism; and one old gentleman, with snowy locks falling over his shoulders, shook his head sagely when Mr. Caldwell stated that there might be true Spiritualism in a good lecture on drainage and sewage.  Speeches of a Communistic nature followed.


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