

The Banner of Light (Boston), August 7.

List of Spiritualist Lecturers.

List of Lecturers.

[To be useful, this list should be reliable. It therefore behooves Societies and Lecturers to promptly notify us of appointments, or changes of appointments, whenever and wherever they occur. This column is devoted exclusively to lecturers, without charge. If the name of any person not a lecturer should by mistake appear, we desire to be so informed.]

REV. WILLIAM ALCOTT, trance and inspirational lecturer, Buckland, Franklin Co., Mass.

J. MADISON ALLEN’s address during August, Cleveland, O.

MARY A. AMPHLETT, inspirational, 27 North Halsted street, Chicago, Ill.

MRS. N. K. ANDROSS, trance speaker, Delton, Wis.

C. FANNIE ALLYN, San Jose, Cal.

STEPHEN PEARL ANDREWS, 75 West 54th st., New York.

MRS. M. A. ADAMS, trance speaker, Brattleboro, Vt.

MRS. EMMA HARDINGE-BRITTEN, 206 West 38th street, New York.

REV. J. O. BARRETT, Glen Beulah, Wis.

REV. JOHN B. BEACH, Bricksburg, N. J.

MRS. S. A. BYRNES, Wollaston Heights, Mass., box 87.

MRS. NELLIE J. T. BRIGHAM, Elm Grove, Colerain, Mass.

MRS. R. W. SCOTT BRIGGS, West Winfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y.

REV. DR. BARNARD, Battle Creek, Mich.

BISHOP A. BEALS, Versailles, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y.

MRS. E. T. BOOTH, Milford, N. H.


CAPT. H. H. BROWN, lecturer for the Iowa State Association of Spiritualists. Will attend weddings and funerals and accept calls in adjoining States. Address, Missouri Valley, Iowa.

MRS. E. BURR, inspirational, box 7, Southford, Ct.

DR. JAMES K. BAILEY, Sterlingville, Jefferson Co., N. Y.

ADDIE L. BALLOU, inspirational speaker, Box 666, San Francisco, Cal.

MRS. H. F. M. BROWN, National City, San Diego Co., Cal.

PROF. S. B. BRITTAN, Newark, N. J.

WILLIAM BRYAN, box 53, Camden P. O., Mich.

HERVEY BARBER, Warwick, Mass.

W. S. BELL, care Banner of Light, Boston, Mass.

MRS. EMMA F. JAY BULLENE, 14 Charles st., New York.

MRS. A. P. BROWN, St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt.

MRS. ABBY N. BURNHAM, inspirational speaker.

D. S. CADWALLADER will answer calls to deliver his new and prophetic lecture, “Monarchy the Road to a Freer Republican Government.” Also others on religious, social and philosophical subjects. Address, 525 West Seventh street, Wilmington, Del.

ALBERT E. CARPENTER will answer calls to lecture anywhere. Address, 65 Washington avenue, Chelsea, Mass.

JOHN A. CARPENTER, 129 Congress street, Troy, N. Y.

WARREN CHASE may be addressed during August at Banner of Light office, Boston, Mass.

MRS. M. L. CLEAVES, inspirational and trance speaker, Lowell, Mass.

DR. DEAN CLARKE, 124 Eddy street, San Francisco, Cal.

MRS. AMELIA H. COLBY, trance, 164 Warren avenue, Chicago.

A. B. CHILD, West Fairlee, Vt.

ANNIE LORD CHAMBERLAIN, 160 Warren ave., Chicago.

JAMES M. CHOATE, inspirational, No. 7 North Pine street, Salem, Mass.

HETTIE CLARK, trance speaker, 57 Dover street, Boston.

JOHN COLLIER, Address, lock box 157, Springfield, Mass.

MRS. S. E. CROSSMAN, trance and inspirational speaker, Address, Pavilion, Tremont street, Boston, Mass.

DR. J. H. CURRIER, 39 Wall street, Boston, Mass.

MRS. JENNETT J. CLARK will answer calls to lecture in any part of the State. Address, 25 Warren avenue, Boston, Mass.

DR. THOMAS C. CONSTANTINE, lecturer, Thornton, N. H.

GEORGE W. CARPENDER, clairvoyant and inspirational speaker, Kendallville, Ind.

MRS. LORA S. CRAIG, Upper Falls, Vt.

M. C. CONNELLY, Louisville, Ky., inspirational speaker, will answer calls to lecture.

MRS. MARIETTA F. CROSS, trance, W. Hampstead, N. H.

MRS. M. J. COLBURN, Champlin, Hennepin Co., Minn.

IRA H. CURTIS, Hartford, Conn.



MRS. J. F. COLES, trance, 735 Broadway, New York.

DR. JAMES COOPER, Bellefontaine, O., will lecture and take subscriptions for the Banner of Light.

DR. J. R. DOTY, Covington, La.

WILLIAM DENTON, Wellesley, Mass.

MISS LIZZIE DOTEN, Pavilion, 57 Tremont st., Boston.

DR. E. C. DUNN, Rockford, Ill.

ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS, 24 East 4th street, New York.

MISS NELLIE L. DAVIS will speak in New Haven, Conn., during August, and in Lisle, N. Y., September 5th. She may be addressed 235 Washington street, Salem, Mass.

MRS. ADDIE P. DAVIS, Whitehall, Greene Co., Ill.

J. HAMLIN DEWEY, M. D., inspirational speaker, Willimantic, Conn., for the summer.

A. E. DOTY will attend funerals in Herkimer County, N. Y., and vicinity. Address, Ilion, Herkimer Co., N. Y.

FRANK DWIGHT, Montana, Iowa.

MRS. L. E. DRAKE, normal speaker, Plainwell, Mich.

A. H. DARROW, Waynesville, Ill.

A. BRIGGS DAVIS will answer calls to speak on Spiritualism, the Woman Question and Health Reform. P. O. address, 135 Jay street, Rochester, N. Y.

MRS. C. A. DELAFOLIE, Hartford, Conn.

DR. D. D. DAVIS, inspirational, 66 Leverett st., Boston.

MRS. S. DICK, 863 Washington street, Boston, Mass.

R. G. ECCLES, Kansas City, Mo.

JOHN W. EVARTS, inspirational speaker, Centralia, Ill.

JAMES FORAN, M. D., Knoxville, Pa.

THOMAS GALES FORSTER, 238 West 14th st., New York.

MRS. SUSIE A. WILLIS-FLETCHER, 9 Montgomery Place, Boston, Mass.

DR. H. P. FAIRFIELD, Greenwich Village, Mass.

REV. J. FRANCIS, inspirational, Ogdensburgh, N. Y.

MRS. CLARA A. FIELD, inspirational, 9 Allston street, Bunker Hill District, Boston, Mass.

CHARLES D. FARLIN, inspirational, Deerfield, Mich.

MARY L. FRENCH, Townsend Harbor, Mass.

GEORGE A. FULLER, trance and normal speaker, Sherborn, Mass.

MISS ALMEDIA B. FOWLER, inspirational, Sextonville, Richland Co., Wis., care F. D. Fowler.

MRS. M. H. FULLER, Saratoga, Santa Clara Co., Cal.

A. B. FRENCH, Clyde, O.

J. W. GAENIE—subject: “Occult Sciences”—Post Office, Boston, Mass.

BRYAN GRANT, care C. N. D., 145 Broadway, New York City.

DR. C. D. GRIMES will answer calls in Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. Address P. O. Box 452, Sturgis, Mich.

KERSEY GRAVES, Richmond, Ind.

MRS. M. L. S. GILHAMS, inspirational, Brighton, Ind.

CAPT. E. H. GREEN, Jeffersonville, Ind.

N. S. GREENLEAF, Lowell, Mass.

ISAAC P. GREENLEAF, 27 Milford street, Boston, Mass.

MR. J. G. GILES, Princeton, Mo.

SARAH GRAVES, inspirational speaker, Berlin, Mich.

MRS. DR. GILBERT, trance and inspirational speaker, will attend funerals and lecture on Spiritualism, Temperance, &c., Address, Indianapolis, Ind.

DR. ROBERT GREER, Chicago, Ill., lectures on “The Vital Phenomena of Human Magnetism, and its wondrous power over Health and Disease.”

DR. R. T. HALLOCK, 140 East 15th street, N. Y.

MRS. AGNES M. HALL, 50 Pearl street, Cambridgeport, Mass.

MRS. S. A. ROGERS HEYDER, trance and inspirational, Haverhill, Mass.

MRS. S. M. HALL, 414 2d avenue, New York.

MRS. M. J. UPHAM HENDEE, Dixon, Cal., care Dr. F. F. Upham.

MRS. ELVIRA S. HULL, Vineland, N. J.

E. ANNE HINMAN, West Winsted, Conn., Box 323.

LYMAN C. HOWE, Fredonia, N. Y.

MRS. S. A. HORTON, Galveston, Tex.

MRS. L. S. HESELTINE, trance, 8 Bennett street, Boston, Mass.

MRS. M. A. C. HEATH will answer calls to lecture and attend funerals. Address, Bethel, Vt.

JAMES H. HARRIS, box 99, Abington, Mass.

WILLIAM A. D. HUME, West Side P. O., Cleveland, O.

R. W. HUME, Long Island City, N. Y., will lecture on the reforms connected with Spiritualism.

ZELLA S. HASTINGS, inspirational, East Whately, Mass.

REV. J. H. HARTER, Auburn, N. Y.

DR. E. B. HOLDEN, inspirational, North Clarendon, Vt.

DR. J. N. HODGES, trance, 9 Henry st., E. Boston, Mass.

MRS. A. L. HAGAR, inspirational, Mt. Clemens, Mich.

MRS. F. O. HYZER, 433 E. Baltimore st., Baltimore, Md.

MRS. L. HUTCHISON, inspirational, Owensville, Cal.

DR. ADELIA HULL, 229 First street, Detroit, Mich.

MOSES HULL, Vineland, N. J., or 24 Newcomb street, Boston, Mass.

D. W. HULL, inspirational and normal, 24 Newcomb street, Boston, Mass.

MISS SUSIE M. JOHNSON, Box 72, Bay City, Mich.

WILLIAM F. JAMIESON, care of Banner of Light, Boston.

W. L. JACK, Haverhill, Mass.

S. S. JONES, ESQ., Chicago, Ill.

HARVEY A. JONES, ESQ., can occasionally speak on Sundays for the friends in the vicinity of Sycamore, Ill., on the Spiritual Philosophy and reform movements of the day.

DR. C. W. JACKSON, Oswego, Kendall Co., Ill.

MRS. MARIA M. KING, Hammonton, N. J.

D. P. KAYNER, M. D., St. Charles, Ill.

MRS. S. A. NORVILLE KIMBALL, trance and inspirational, Sackett’s Harbor, Jefferson Co., N. Y.


MRS. M. J. KUTZ, Bostwick Lake, Mich.

O. P. KELLOGG, East Trumbull, Ashtabula Co., O.

MRS. R. G. KIMBALL, Lebanon, N. H.

MRS. FRANK REID KNOWLES, Breedsville, Mich.

MRS. DR. H. R. KNAGGS, box 227, Traverse City, Mich.

JOHN R. KELSO, Springfield, Mo.

DR. J. W. KENYON, inspirational, East Des Moines, Iowa.

MRS. NELLIE J. KENYON, trance, Woodstock, Vt.

MRS. LAURA KENDRICK, 201 Montgomery street, San Francisco, Cal.

JOSEPH B. LEWIS, inspirational, Yellow Spring, O.

MISS JENNIE LEYS, inspirational, No. 201 Montgomery street, San Francisco, Cal.

WILLIAM F. LYON, Adrian, Mich.

HENRY C. LULL, inspirational, 25 Indiana place, Boston, Mass.

AMASA LORD, 143 East 27th street, New York City, lectures on Ancient and Modern Revelations.

DR. GEORGE W. LUSK, lecturer, Eaton Rapids, Mich.

CHARLES A. LOHMUELLER, trance, Butteville, Oregon.

MRS. F. A. LOGAN, Oakland, Cal.

CEPHAS B. LYNN, Sturgis, Mich.

J. J. MORSE, care Banner of Light, Boston, Mass.

MRS. ANNA M. MIDDLEBROOK, box 778, Bridgeport, Ct.

GEORGE W. MCNEAL, lecturer, Niles, Mich., care of J. McClung.

DR. HARVEY MORGAN, trance and inspirational, Randolph, N. Y.

M. MILLESON, St. Clair, Mich.

GEORGE MORGAN, inspirational, Antioch, Cal.

I. E. MAHAN, trance, Holly, Oakland Co., Mich.

MRS. E. H. FULLER MCKINLEY, San Francisco, Cal.

PROF. R. M. MCCORD, Centralia, Ill.

EMMA M. MARTIN, inspirational, Birmingham, Mich.

F. H. MASON, inspirational speaker, No. Conway, N. H.

FRANK MCALPINE, inspirational. Dowagiac, Mich.

P. C. MILLS, Sherman, Me.

MRS. SARAH HELEN MATTHEWS, Springfield, Vt., care D. M. Smith.


MRS. MARY A. MITCHELL, M. D., will lecture in Illinois and Missouri. Address, box 91, Huntley, Ill.


MRS. MARY E. MARKS, 543 Fulton st., Brooklyn, N. Y.

W. B. MASON, South Bend, Ind.

MISS S. F. NICKERSON, trance speaker, 628 Tremont street, Boston, Mass.

J. WILLIAM VAN NAMEE, M. D., Box 5120, New York.

J. M. PEEBLES, Hammonton, N. J.

MRS. L. H. PERKINS, trance, Kansas City, Mo.

MRS. A. M. L. POTTS, M. D., lecturer, Adrian, Mich.

HENRY PACKARD, 377 Dorchester st., W. V. South Boston, Mass.

DR. G. AMOS PEIRCE, inspirational and trance lecturer. P. O. Box 87, Auburn, Me.

JOHN G. PRIEGEL, trance and inspirational, Plattsburg, Mo.

THEODORE F. PRICE, inspirational, Monon, White Co., Ind.

MRS. L. A. PEARSALL, inspirational, Disco, Mich.

MRS. A. E. MOSSOP-PUTNAM, Flint, Mich.


MRS. J. PUFFER, trance speaker, South Hanover, Mass.

B. R. PRATT, inspirational, Fairfield, Mich.

DR. P. B. RANDOLPH, Toledo, O.

DR. H. REED, Chicopee, Mass.

J. H. RANDALL, trance, Clyde, O., till further notice.

WILLIAM ROSE, M. D., inspirational speaker, No. 72 Ontario st., Cleveland, O.

MRS. HATTIE E. ROBINSON, 46 Carver street, Boston.

LYSANDER S. RICHARDS, East Marshfield, Mass.

F. L. RICHARDSON, trance, Augusta, Me.

MRS. M. C. RUNDLETT, South Royalton, Vt.

REV. A. B. RANDALL, Appleton, Wis.

MRS. JENNIE S. RUDD, Box 514, Providence, R. I.

MRS. PALINA J. ROBERTS, Carpenterville, Ill.

MRS. C. A. ROBBINS, 1114 Callowhill street, Philadelphia, Pa.


JAMES SHOLL, inspirational speaker, 241 North 11th street, Philadelphia, Pa.

M. L. SHERMAN, trance speaker, Box 1205, Adrian, Mich.

MRS. ADDIE M. STEVENS, inspirational, Claremont, N. H.

MRS. R. K. STODDARD will lecture on Spiritualism, and demonstrate the truth of spirit return through the mediumship of her son, DeWitt C. Hough, wherever desired. Permanent address, 216 North 12th st., Philadelphia, Pa.

E. W. SHORTRIDGE, Salem, Oregon.

OLIVER SAWYER, inspirational, Fitzwilliam, N. H.



MRS. H. T. STEARNS, trance, Corry, Pa., box 742.

MRS. P. W. STEPHENS, trance, Virginia City, Nev.

JOHN M. SPEAR, 2210 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia.

MRS. S. A. SMITH, trance speaker, Athol, Mass.

GILES B. STEBBINS, Detroit, Mich.

MRS. JULIA A. B. SEIVER, Houston, Florida, will answer calls to lecture on Spiritualism and Reform subjects.

JOHN BROWN SMITH, Amherst, Mass.

JAMES H. SHEPARD will answer calls to lecture and attend funerals. Address South Acworth, N. H.

MRS. M. E. B. SAWYER, care Hull’s Crucible, 24 Newcomb street, Boston.

MRS. ALMIRA W. SMITH, 121 Cumberland street, Portland, Me.

ELIAS D. STRONG, P. O. Box 318, Albany, N. Y.

ABRAM and NELLIE M. SMITH, Cottage Garden, Sturgis, Mich.

MRS. MARY LANSTON STRONG, 721 East 2d street, Dayton, O.

MRS. L. A. F. SWAIN, inspirational, Union Lakes, Minn.

SELAH VAN SICKLE, Greenbush, Mich.

J. W. SEAVER, inspirational speaker, Byron, N. Y.

JOSEPH D. STILES, Montpelier, Vt., care George W. Ripley.

ELIJAH R. SWACKHAMER, lecturer, 945 Lafayette avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.

DR. E. SPRAGUE, inspirational, Geneseo, Ill.

AUSTEN E. SIMMONS, Woodstock, Vt.

ALBERT E. STANLEY, Leicester, Vt.

DR. O. CLARK SPRAGUE, Rochester, N. Y.

MRS. C. M. STOWE, San Jose, Cal.

MRS. S. J. SWASEY, inspirational speaker, Noank, Conn.

MRS. H. M. SHAW, trance speaker, Joliet, Will Co., Ill

HENRY STRAUB, Dowagiac, Mich.

DR. H. B. STORER, 9 Montgomery place, room 6, Boston, Mass.

MRS. J. H. STILLMAN SEVERANCE, M. D., Milwaukee, Wis.

DR. J. D. SEELY will lecture on the Science of the Soul, Address, box 671, LaPorte, Ind.

CHARLES W. STEWART, Terre Haute, Ind.

MRS. M. S. TOWNSEND, Stoneham, Mass., till further notice.

J. H. W. TOOHEY, 67 Broadway, Chelsea, Mass.

HUDSON TUTTLE, Berlin Heights, O.

MRS. E. T. TREGO, Denver, Col.

MRS. ABBIE W. TANNER, Montpelier, Vt.

S. A. THOMAS, M. D., Pennville, Ind.

MRS. ROBERT TIMMONS, Mexico, Audrian Co., Mo.

MRS. CORA L. V. TAPPAN, care Banner of Light, Boston, Mass.

GEORGE W. TAYLOR, Lawton’s Station, Erie Co., N. Y.


SPENCER THOMAS, inspirational, 2 1st street, Charlestown, Mass.

MRS. GEORGE A. TABER, trance, will accept engagements to lecture anywhere within a day’s ride of home. Address, Boston, Mass.

THOMAS B. TAYLOR, inspirational, Milford, Mass.

BENJAMIN TODD, Charlotte, Mich.

VENEIRO VOLDO, inspirational, 515 High street, Providence, R. I.

PETER WEST, trance and inspirational, Boston, Mass., care Banner of Light.

SILAS NEWTON WALKER, A. M., Dansville, N. Y.

F. L. H. WILLIS, M. D., Glenora, Yates Co., N. Y.

N. FRANK WHITE, Seymour, Conn.

JAMES J. WHEELER, Cedar Lake, Herkimer Co., N. Y.

E. V. WILSON, Lombard, Ill.

J. G. WHITNEY, inspirational, Rock Grove City, Iowa.

MISS R. AUGUSTA WHITING, inspirational, care Banner of Light, Boston, Mass.

S. H. WORTMAN, Buffalo, N. Y.

MRS. S. E. WARNER, Appleton, Wis., box 11.

DR. FRENCH WEBSTER, Manchester, N. H.

PROF. E. WHIPPLE, 4 Concord Square, Boston, Mass.

MARCENUS R. K. WRIGHT, Middleville, Mich., box 11.

N. M. WRIGHT, inspirational speaker, will answer calls to lecture in the New England States. Address, Boston, Mass., care Banner of Light.

WARREN WOOLSON, inspirational, North Bay, N. Y.

MRS. MARY J. WILCOXSON will lecture in Colorado for the present. Address, Boulder, Col. Ter.

JOHN B. WOLFF, 510 Pearl street, New York, will lecture on reform subjects within easy distances of New York.

M. J. WENTWORTH, Knox, Me.

DR. E. B. WHEELOCK, Pleasanton, Kan.

ELIJAH WOODWORTH, inspirational, Leslie, Mich.

E. A. WHEELER, semi-trance and inspirational, Utica, N. Y.

MRS. VICTORIA C. WOODHULL, 50 Broad st., New York.

DANIEL WHITE, M. D., 703 Pine street, St. Louis, Mo.

A. C. and MRS. ELIZA C. WOODRUFF, Eagle Harbor, N. Y.

MRS. SOPHIA WOODS, trance speaker, Burlington, Vt., care Col. S. S. Brown.

MRS. MARY E. WITHEE, Marlboro’, Mass., box 532.

R. P. WILSON, 266 East 77th street, New York.

GEORGE W. WHITNEY, normal, 198 Cranston street, Providence, R. I.

MRS. RACHEL WALCOTT, trance, 220 West Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md.

ASA WARREN, inspirational speaker, No. 101 Julien avenue, Dubuque, Iowa.

MRS. N. J. WILLIS, 94 Windsor st., Cambridgeport, Mass.

GEORGE C. WAITE, (care of Albert D. Moore,) South Hope, Me.

MRS. JULIETTE YEAW, Northboro’, Mass.

MR. J. L. YORK, San Jose, Santa Clara Co., Cal.


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