

The Banner of Light (Boston), June 18.

List of Spiritualist Lecturers.

List of Lecturers.

[To be useful, this lit should be reliable. It therefore behooves Societies and Lecturers to promptly notify us of appointments, or changes of appointments, whenever and wherever they occur. Should any name appear in this list of a party known not to be a lecturer, we desire to be so informed.]


C. FANNIE ALLYN will speak in Lynn, Mass., during June; in Stafford, Conn., during July; in Putnam during August. Will answer calls to speak week evenings. Address as above, or Stoneham, Mass.

J. MADISON ALEXANDER, inspirational and trance speaker, Chicago, Ill., will answer calls East or West.

HARRISON AKELY, M. D., 194 South Clark street, Chicago, Ill., lectures on Laws of Life, Temperance, and Reform and Progressive subjects.

MRS. N. A. ADAMS will speak in Lowell, Mass., June 19 and 26. Will make engagements for the ensuing summer months and autumn. Address, box 277, Fitchburg Mass.

HARRISON AUGIE, Charles City, Iowa.

MRS. N. K. ANDROSS, trance speaker, Delton, Wis.

DR. J. T. AMOS, box 2601, Rochester, N. Y.

REV. J. O. BARRETT, Glenbeulah, Wis.

MRS. H. F. M. BROWN, P. O. box 452, San Francisco, Cal.

MRS. SARAH A. BYRNES will speak in Willimantic, Conn., during June. Would like to make engagements for the coming fall and winter. Permanent address, 87 Spring street, East Cambridge, Mass.

MRS. NELLIE J. T. BRIGHAM will speak in Detroit, Mich., during September. Permanent address, Elm Grove, Colerain, Mass.

ADDIE L. BALLOU, inspirational speaker, Chicago, Ill., care R. P. Journal.

REV. DR. BARNARD, Battle Creek, Mich.

DR. A. D. BARTON, inspirational speaker, Boston, Mass.

JOSEPH BAKER, Janesville, Wis.

MRS. E. BURR, inspirational speaker, box 7, Southford, Conn.

WILLIAM BUSH, ESQ., 163 South Clark street, Chicago, Ill.

M. C. BENT, inspirational speaker, Almond, Wis.

HENRY BARSTOW, inspirational speaker, Duxbury, Mass.

J. H. BICKFORD, inspirational speaker, Charlestown, Mass.

A. P. BOWMAN, inspirational speaker, Richmond, Iowa.

MRS. M. A. C. BROWN, West Randolph, Vt.

MRS. A. P. BROWN, St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt.

MRS. PRISCILLA DOTY BRADBURY speaks in Bingham, Mass., one-fourth of the time. Address, North Madison, Me.

MRS. ABBY N. BURNHAM, inspirational speaker, 112 Hudson street, Boston, Mass.

MRS. EMMA F. JAY BULLENE, 151 West 12th st., New York.

DR. JAMES K. BAILEY, box 382, La Porte, Ind.

WILLIAM BRYAN, box 53, Camden P. O., Mich.

DR. J. H. CURRIER will speak in Plymouth, Mass., July 3; in North Scituate, July 10; in Milford, July 17. Address, 39 Wall street, Boston, Mass.

J. M. CHOATE, trance and inspirational lecturer. Address read 56 Poplar st., Boston, Mass., care Mrs. M. E. Hartwell.

WARREN CHASE, 601 North Fifth street, St. Louis, Mo.

ALBERT E. CARPENTER, care Banner of Light, Boston, Mass.

MRS. ANNIE M. CARVER, trance speaker, Cincinnati, O.

DEAN CLARK, Chicago, Ill., care R. P. Journal.

MRS. CARRIE M. CUSHMAN, trance, Hillsboro Bridge, N. H.

DR. JAMES COOPER, Bellefontaine, O., will lecture and take subscriptions for the Banner of Light.

MRS. MARIETTA F. CROSS, trance speaker, Bradford, Mass.


J. P. COWLES, M. D., Ottawa, Ill., box 1374.

CHARLES P. CROCKER, inspirational speaker, Fredonia, N. Y.

MRS. J. F. COLES, trance speaker, 737 Broadway, New York.

DR. THOMAS C. CONSTANTINE, lecturer, Thornton, N. H.

MRS. HETTIE CLARK, trance speaker, West Harwich, Mass.

MRS. M. J. COLBURN, Champlin, Hennepin Co., Minn.

MRS. ELIZA C. CRANE, inspirational speaker, Sturgis, Mich., care J. W. Elliott, drawer 36.

MRS. D. CHADWICK, trance speaker, Vineland, N. J., box 272.

DR. H. H. CRANDALL, P. O. box 778, Bridgeport, Conn.

MRS. AMELIA H. COLBY, trance speaker, Penville, Ind.

IRA H. CURTIS, Hartford, Conn.

MRS. E. L. DANIELS, 10 Chapman place, Boston, Mass.

PROF. WILLIAM DENTON, Wellesley, Mass.

MISS LIZZIE DOTEN, Pavilion, 57 Tremont street, Boston.

HENRY J. DURGIN, inspirational speaker, Cardington, O.

GEORGE DUTTON, M. D., West Randolph, Vt. Will speak in Snowsville, Braintree Vt., once in two weeks till further notice.

DR. E. C. DUNN, Rockford, Ill.

MRS. ADDIE P. DAVIS (formerly Addie P. Mudget,) White hall, Greene Co., Ill.

MRS. AGNES M. DAVIS, 289 Main street, Cambridgeport, Mass.

MISS NELLIE L. DAVIS, 49 Fletcher street, Lowell, Mass.

E. B. DANFORTH, M. D., trance speaker, (formerly at Boston,) Lawrence, Kan., box 461.

MISS S. E. DICKSON, inspirational, Vineland, N. J., box 291.

FRANK DWIGHT, Montana, Iowa.

DR. T. M. DRUMMOND, lecturer, Tallahassee, Fla.

MRS. SOPHIA K. DURANT, Lebanon, N. H., will answer calls in New Hampshire and Vermont.

A. C. EDMUNDS, lecturer, Newton, Iowa.

DR. H. E. EMERY, lecturer, South Coventry, Conn.

THOMAS GALES FORSTER, 486 Massachusetts avenue, Washington, D. C.

MRS. CLARA A. FIELD, lecturer, Newport, Me.

ANDREW T. FOSS, Manchester, N. H.

REV. A. J. FISHBACK, Sturgis, Mich.

MRS. FANNIE B. FELTON, South Malden, Mass.

REV. J. FRANCIS, Ogdensburg, N. Y.

J. G. FISH, Hammonton, N. J.

MRS. M. LOUISE FRENCH, trance and inspirational speaker, 34 Wave street, Washington Village, South Boston, Mass.

DR. H. P. FAIRFIELD will speak in Philadelphia, Pa., during June; in Willimantic, Conn., during July. Address, Ancora, Camden Co., N. J.

CHARLES D. FARLIN, inspirational speaker, Deerfield, Mich.

GEORGE A. FULLER, inspirational, Natick, Mass.

MISS ALMEDIA B. FOWLER, inspirational, Sextonville, Richland Co., Wis., care F. D. Fowler.

DR. R. P. FELLOWS, Vineland, N. J.

A. B. FRENCH, Ann Arbor, Mich.

N. S. GREENLEAF, Lowell, Mass.

ISAAC P. GREENLEAF, 1061 Washington street, Boston, Mass.

REV. JOSEPH C. GILL, Belvidere, Ill.

MRS. LAURA DE FORCE GORDON will receive calls to lecture on Woman Suffrage in the Pacific States and Territories. Address, box 2123, San Francisco, Cal.

SARAH GRAVES, inspirational speaker, Berlin, Mich.

MRS. J. G. GILES, Princeton, Mo.

DR. GAMMAGE, lecturer, 134 South 7th st., Williamsburg, N. Y.

DR. L. P. GRIGGS, inspirational, box 408, Fort Wayne, Ind.

JOHN P. GUILD, Lawrence, Mass., will answer calls to lecture.

MRS. F. W. GADE, inspirational speaker, 35 Greenwich avenue, New York.

KERSEY GRAVES, Richmond, Ind.

MISS JULIA J. HUBBARD, Portsmouth, N. H., box 455.

JAMES H. HARRIS, box 99, Abington, Mass.

WILLIAM A. D. HUME, West Side P. O., Cleveland, O.

ZELLA S. HASTINGS, inspirational, East Whately, Mass.

MRS. S. A. HORTON, East Saginaw, Mich., care K. Talbot.

MRS. L. HUTCHISON, inspirational, Owensville, Cal.

DR. M. HENRY HOUGHTON can be addressed during June, Ashland, Mass.

MRS. EMMA HARDINGE lectures in Chicago, Ill. during June and July—address care of Dr. S. J. Avery, 85 Washington street; in Cleveland, O., during August and September—address care of A. A. Wheelock, “American Spiritualist” office. A few week-evenings disengaged for lectures near the above named points. Permanent address, 229 East 60th street, New York.

E. ANNIE HINMAN, Agent Connecticut State Association of Spiritualists. Permanent address, Falls Village, Conn.

MOSES HULL will speak in New York (Apollo Hall) during July; in Cincinnati during September and October. Permanent address, Hobart, Ind.

D. W. HULL, inspirational and normal speaker, will lecture in Rensselaer, Ind., during June. Address as above, or Hobart, Ind.

MRS. F. O. HYZER, 122 East Madison street, Baltimore, Md.

MRS. M. S. TOWNSEND HOADLEY, Bridgewater, Vt.

MRS. A. HULL, trance and inspirational speaker, 1716 Parke avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.

J. D. HASCALL, M. D., Waterloo, Wis.

LYMAN C. HOWE, inspirational, box 99, Fredonia, N. Y.

AMOS HUNT, trance speaker, Cold Water, Mich.

DR. E. B. HOLDEN, inspirational speaker, No. Clarendon, Vt.

DR. J. N. HODGES, trance, 9 Henry street, East Boston, Mass.

MRS. A. L. HAGAR, inspirational, Mount Clemens, Mich.

CHARLES HOLT, Warren, Warren Co., Pa.

MISS SUSIE M. JOHNSON will speak in Portland, Me., during June. Permanent address, Milford, Mass.


ABRAHAM JAMES, Pleasantville, Venango Co., Pa., box 34.

HARVEY A. JONES, ESQ., can occasionally speak on Sundays for the friends in the vicinity of Sycamore, Ill., on the Spiritual Philosophy and reform movements of the day.


DR. P. T. JOHNSON, lecturer, Ypsilanti, Mich.

DR. C. W. JACKSON, Oswego, Kendall Co., Ill.

S. A. JESPER, lecturer, will visit St. Johns, N. B., for a short time. Address, care George F. Orchard, 74 Charlotte street; permanent address, Bridgewater, Vt.


O. P. KELLOGG, East Trumbull, Ashtabula Co., O.

MRS. FRANK REED KNOWLES, inspirational speaker, Breedsville, Mich.


MRS. M. J. KUTZ, Bostwick Lake, Mich.

CEPHAS B. LYNN, inspirational speaker, 9 Sever street, Charlestown, Mass.

MARY E. LONGDON, inspirational speaker, 60 Montgomery street, Jersey City, N. J.

MRS. A. L. LAMBERT, trance and inspirational speaker, 959 Washington street, Boston, Mass.

H. T. LEONARD, trance speaker, Taunton, Mass.

JOSEPH B. LEWIS, inspirational speaker, Yellow Spring, O.

CHARLES S. MARSH, semi-trance speaker. Address, Wonewoc, Juneau Co., Wis.

PROF. R. M. M’CORD, Centralia, Ill.

EMMA M. MARTIN, inspirational speaker, Birmingham, Mich.

MR. F. H. MASON, inspirational speaker, No. Conway, N. H.

O. W. MANUEL, trance speaker, 35 Rutland Square, Boston.

P. C. MILLS will answer calls to lecture in the vicinity of New York City. Address, Hoboken, N. J.


MRS. TAMOZINE MOORE, 13 North Russell, st., Boston, Mass.

MRS. HANNAH MORSE, trance speaker, Joliet, Will Co., Ill.

J. W. MATTHEWS, lecturer, Heyworth, McLeon Co., Ill.

DR. JAMES MORRISON, lecturer, McHenry, Ill.

MR. J. L. MANSFIELD, inspirational, box 137, Clyde, O.

DR. W. H. C. MARTIN, 173 Windsor street, Hartford, Conn.


C. NORWOOD, inspirational speaker, Ottawa, Ill.

A. L. E. NASH, lecturer, Rochester, N. Y.

RILEY C. NASH, inspirational speaker, Deerfield, Mich.

MRS. L. H. PERKINS, trance, Princeton, Franklin Co., Kan.

J. M. PEEBLES, Hammonton, N. J.

GEORGE AMOS PEIRCE, box 87, Auburn, Me.

EDWARD PALMER, trance, Cambridge, Somerset Co, Me.

WILLIAM C. PIKE, Boston, Mass.

J. H. POWELL, Terre Haute, Ind.

DR. O. B. PAYNE, trance speaker, Sacramento, Cal.

MRS. ANNA M. L. POTTS, M. D., lecturer, Adrian, Mich.

HENRY PACKARD, 377 Dorchester st., W. V., South Boston.

MRS. E. N. PALMER, trance speaker, Big Flats, N. Y.

MISS NETTIE M. PEASE, trance speaker, New Albany, Ind.

MRS. J. PUFFER, trance speaker, South Hanover, Mass.

A. A. POND, inspirational speaker, Rochester Depot, Ohio.

J. L. POTTER, trance speaker, Morristown, Minn.

LYDIA ANN PEARSALL, inspirational speaker, Disco, Mich.

MRS. EMMA L. MORSE PAUL, trance speaker, Alstead, N. H.

DR. S. D. PACE, Port Huron, Mich.

DR. L. A. PLUMB lectures upon “The New and True Idea of God” at convenient distances. 110 Hanover street, Boston.

DR. P. B. RANDOLPH, 80 Court street, Room 20, Boston, Mass.

MRS. JENNIE S. RUDD, 4 Myrtle street, Providence, R. I.

WILLIAM ROSE, M. D., inspirational speaker, 122 Second street, Louisville, Ky.

MRS. S. A. ROGERS, Rock Island, Ill., care A. J. Grover, M. D.

C. H. RINES, inspirational speaker, Boston, Mass.

REV. A. B. RANDALL, Appleton, Wis.

J. T. ROUSE, normal speaker, Terre Haute, Ind.

MRS. PALINA J. ROBERTS, Carpenterville, Ill.


A. C. ROBINSON, Salem, Mass.

ABRAM SMITH, ESQ., inspirational speaker, Sturgis, Mich.

MRS. MARY LOUISA SMITH, trance speaker, Toledo, O.

MRS. M. E. B. SAWYER will speak in Manchester, N. H., June 19; in Worcester, Mass., June 26; in Bartonsville, Vt., July 10 and 17. Address, Fitchburg, Mass.

MRS. C. A. SHERWIN, Townsend Center, Mass.

DR. H. B. STORER, 120 Harrison avenue, Boston, Mass.

DR. H. SLADE, Kalamazoo, Mich.


AUSTEN E. SIMMONS, Woodstock, Vt.

MISS M. S. STURTEVANT, trance, Cambridgeport, Mass.

DR. O. CLARK SPRAGUE, Rochester, N. Y.

MRS. C. M. STOWE, San Jose, Cal.

MRS. S. E. SLIGHT, foot of Auburn street, Cambridgeport, Mass.


MRS. S. E. SLIGHT, foot of Auburn street, Cambridgeport, Mass.

MRS. S. J. SWASEY, normal speaker, Noank, Conn.

MRS. ADDIE M. STEVENS, trance speaker, Wentworth, N. H.

MRS. NELLIE SMITH, impressional speaker, Sturgis, Mich.

MRS. L. A. F. SWAIN, inspirational, Union Lakes, Minn.

JOSEPH D. STILES, Danville, Vt.

SELAH VAN SICKLE, Greenbush, Mich.

DR. E. SPRAGUE, inspirational speaker, Schenectady, N. Y.

MRS. ALMIRA W. SMITH, 36 Salem street, Portland, Me.

MRS. LAURA SMITH (late Cuppy) lectures in Mechanic’s Hall, Post street, San Francisco, Cal., every Sunday evening.

J. W. SEAVER, inspirational speaker, Byron, N. Y.

E. R. SWACKHAMER, 128 So. 3d street, Brooklyn, N. Y., E.D.

MRS. H. T. STEARNS, Missionary for the Pennsylvania State Association of Spiritualists. Address care of Dr. H. T. Child, 634 Race street, Philadelphia, Pa.

BENJAMIN TODD, San Francisco, Cal.

J. H. W. TOOHEY, Providence, R. I.

HUDSON TUTTLE, Berlin Heights, O.

FRANCES A. TUTTLE, lecturer, box 382, La Porte, Ind.


MRS. ROBERT TIMMONS, Mexico, Audrian Co., Mo.

MRS. ESTHER N. TALMADGE, trance speaker, Westville, Ind.

DR. S. A. THOMAS, lecturer, Chaska, Minn.

JAMES TRASK, lecturer on Spiritualism, Kenduskeag, Me.

MRS. SARAH M. THOMPSON, inspirational speaker, 161 St. Clair street, Cleveland, O.

N. FRANK WHITE’s address during June, Seymour, Conn.; will speak in Lynn, Mass., during July; address during July and August, Boston, Mass., care Banner of Light.

E. V. WILSON, Lombard, Ill.

E. S. WHEELER, inspirational, 111 Superior street, care American Spiritualist, Cleveland, O.

F. L. H. WILLIS, M. D., 16 West 24th street, near Fifth avenue Hotel, New York.

MRS. S. E. WARNER, Cordova, Ill.

F. L. WADSWORTH, 399 South Morgan street, Chicago, Ill.

HENRY C. WRIGHT, care Banner of Light, Boston, Mass.

MRS. E. M. WOLCOTT, Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.


MRS. MARY J. WILCOXSON, Chicago, Ill., care R. P. Journal.

LOIS WAISBROOKER’s address is Denver, Col., box 44.

DANIEL WHITE, M. D., box 2507, St. Louis, Mo.

MRS. MARY E. WITHEE, Holliston, Mass.

WILLIAM F. WENTWORTH, Schenectady, N. Y., box 234.

A. B. WHITING, Albion, Mich.

MRS. HATTIE E. WILSON, 46 Carver street, Boston.

DR. R. G. WELLS, trance speaker, Beaufort, N. C.

MRS. N. J. WILLIS, 75 Windsor street, Cambridgeport, Mass.

A. A. WHEELOCK, Toledo, O., box 643.

WARREN WOOLSON, trance speaker, Hastings, N. Y.

S. H. WORTMAN, Buffalo, N. Y., box 1454.

J. G. WHITNEY, inspirational speaker, Rock Grove City, Floyd Co., Iowa.

MRS. E. A. WILLIAMS, Deansville, N. Y.

ELIJAH WOODWORTH, inspirational speaker, Leslie, Mich.

A. C. and MRS. ELIZA C. WOODRUFF, Eagle Harbor, N. Y.

MRS. JULIETTE YEAW will speak in Worcester, Mass., June 19; in Milford, June 26. Address, Northboro’, Mass.

MRS. FANNIE T. YOUNG, trance speaker. Address, Centre Strafford, N. H., care Dr. H. C. Coburn.

MR. & MRS. WILLIAM J. YOUNG, Boise City, Idaho Territory.


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