

The Banner of Light (Boston), July 6.

Spiritualist Lecturers’ Appointments and Addresses.

Lecturers, Appointments, and Addresses.

Published Gratuitously Every Week.

Arranged Alphabetically.

[To be useful, this list should be reliable. It therefore behooves Societies and Lecturers to promptly notify us of appointments, or changes of appointments, whenever they occur. Should any name appear in this list of a party known not to be a lecturer, we desire to be so informed, as this column is intended for Lecturers only.]

J. MADISON ALLYN, trance and inspirational speaker, author of the Panophonic System of Printing and Writing, will lecture Sundays on Spiritualism, and where desired give week-evening instruction in the new Shorthand. Address, care Banner of Light, Boston.

C. FANNIE ALLYN will speak in Londonderry, Vt., during July; in Dover, Aug. 4 and 11; in Putnam, Conn., Aug. 18 and 25; in Milford, N. H., Sept. 1 and 8; in Worcester, Mass., during November. Will respond to calls to lecture week evenings in vicinity of Sunday engagements. Address as per appointments, or North Middleboro, Mass.

J. G. ALLBE will receive calls to lecture and organize Children’s Lyceums. Address Chicopee, Mass.

MRS. N. K. ANDROSS, trance speaker, Delton, Wis.

DR. J. T. AMOS will answer calls to lecture upon Physiology and Spiritualism. Address, box 2001, Rochester, N. Y.

CHARLES A. ANDRUS, Flushing, Mich., will attend funerals and lecture upon reforms.

MRS. SARAH A. BYRNES will speak in East Boston, Mass., July 7 and 14; in Hudson, July 21 and 28; in Lynn during August; in Stanford, Conn., Sept. 1, 8, 15 and 22. Would like to make further engagements for the fall and winter. Address, 87 Spring street, East Cambridge, Mass.

MRS. A. P. BROWN will lecture in Lynn, Mass., July 21 and 28. Will make a few more engagements in the vicinity. Will also attend funerals, and speak week-evenings. Address, St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt.

MRS. M. A. C. BROWN will make engagements to speak wherever the friends may wish. Address, West Randolph, Vt.

MRS. H. F. M. BROWN, P. O. drawer 6325, Chicago, Ill., care of Spiritual Republic.

MRS. EMMA F. JAY BULLENE, 151 West 12th st., New York.

MRS. E. A. BLISS, 250 North Second street, Troy, N. Y.

WILLIAM BRYAN will answer calls to lecture in Michigan and Northwestern Ohio until further notice. Address, box 53, Camden P. O., Mich.

M. C. BENT, inspirational speaker. Address, Pardeeville, Wis. Sundays engaged for the present.

MRS. ABBY N. BURNHAM, inspirational speaker, will answer calls to lecture. Address, Auburndale, Mass.

J. H. RICHFORD, inspirational speaker, Charlestown, Mass.

REV. ADIN BALLOU, Hopedale, Mass.

A. P. BOWMAN, inspirational speaker, Richmond, Iowa.

DR. J. K. BAILEY, Quincy, Ill., will answer calls to lecture.

WARREN CHASE, 544 Broadway, New York.

DEAN CLARK, inspirational speaker. Address, Camden, Me., till further notice.

MRS. LAURA CUPPY is lecturing in San Francisco, Cal.

MRS. AUGUSTA A. CURRIER will answer calls to speak in New England through the summer and fall. Address, box 315, Lowell, Mass.

DR. J. H. CURRIER will answer calls to lecture. Address, 199 Cambridge street, Boston, Mass.

ALBERT E. CARPENTER will answer calls to lecture. Also pays particular attention to establishing new Lyceums, and laboring in those that are already established. Address, Putnam, Conn.

P. CLARK, M. D., will answer calls to lecture. Address, 15 Marshall street, Boston.

J. B. CAMPBELL, M. D., the seer and healer, will receive calls to lecture and attend evening meetings and funerals. Address, Cincinnati, O.

MRS. JENNETT J. CLARK, trance speaker, will answer calls to lecture on Sundays in any of the towns in Connecticut. Will also attend funerals. Address, Fair Haven, Conn.

MRS. HETTIE CLARK, trance speaker, East Harwich, Mass., will answer calls to lecture or attend funerals.

DR. JAMES COOPER, Bellefontaine, O., will take subscriptions for the Banner of Light.

MRS. MARIETTA F. CROSS, trance speaker, will answer calls to lecture. Address, Hampstead, N. H., care of N. P. Cross.

IRA H. CURTIS speaks upon questions of government. Address, Hartford, Conn.

THOMAS C. CONSTANTINE, lecturer, Lowell, Mass.

MRS. ELIZA C. CLARK, inspirational speaker. Address, Eagle Harbor, Orleans Co., N. Y.

MRS. D. CHADWICK, trance speaker, will lecture, hold séances, give tests, and prescribe for the sick. Address, box 279, Vineland, N. J.

JUDGE A. G. W. CARTER, Cincinnati, O.

CHARLES P. CROCKER, inspirational speaker, Fredonia, N. Y.

THOMAS COOK, Berlin Heights, O., lecturer on organization.

MRS. AMELIA H. COLBY, trance speaker, Milford, Ill.

MISS LIZZIE DOTEN will lecture in Bangor, Me., during July. Will make no further engagements. Address, Pavilion, 57 Tremont street, Boston, Mass.

GEORGE DUTTON, M. D., Rutland, Vt.

ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS can be addressed at Orange, N. J.

MRS. E. DELAMAR, trance speaker, Quincy, Mass.

DR. E. C. DUNN, lecturer and healer, Rockford, Ill.

J. T. DOW, lecturer, Cooksville, Rock Co., Wis.

MRS. CLARA R. DEEVERE, trance speaker, Newport, Me.

DR. H. E. EMERY will receive calls to lecture. Address, South Coventry, Conn.

A. T. FOSS will speak in Willimantic, Conn., during August; to Stafford Springs during November. Permanent address, Manchester, N. H.

MRS. MARY L. FRENCH, inspirational and trance medium, will answer calls to lecture, attend circles or funerals. Free circles Sunday evenings. Address, Ellery street, Washington Village, South Boston.

DR. WILLIAM FITZGIBBON will answer calls to lecture on the science of Human Electricity, as connected with the Physical Manifestations of the Spiritual Philosophy. Address, Philadelphia, Pa.

REV. J. FRANCIS may be addressed by those wishing his services in Southern Iowa and Missouri, at Nevada, Iowa, till further notice.

DR. H. P. FAIRFIELD will answer calls to lecture. Address, Quincy, Ill., drawer 2479.

S. J. FINNEY, Troy, N. Y.

J. G. FISH, Hammonton, N. J.

MRS. FANNIE B. FELTON, South Malden, Mass.

MRS. CLARA A. FIELD will answer calls to lecture. Address, Newport, Me.

C. AUGUSTA FITCH, trance speaker, box 1835, Chicago, Ill.

MISS ELIZA HOWE FULLER will answer calls to lecture wherever the friends may desire. Address, LaGrange, Me.

ISAAC. P. GREENLEAF, Kenduskeag, Me.

MRS. LAURA DE FORCE GORDON, Denver City, Col. Terr.

JOHN P. GUILD will answer calls to lecture. Address, Lawrence, Mass.

MRS. C. L. GADE (formerly Mrs. Morris) trance speaker, 11 Cedar street, Room 6, New York.

N. S. GREENLEAF, Lowell, Mass.

DR. L. P. GRIGGS, inspirational speaker, will answer calls to lecture. Address, Fort Wayne, Ind.

MRS. EMMA HARDINGE can be address, care of Mrs. Jackson, 40 East 51st street, New York. Mrs. Hardinge sails for Europe July 20.

W. A. D. HUME will speak in Fitchburg, Mass., July 7 and 14. Address as above.

LYMAN C. HOWE, inspirational speaker, New Albion, N. Y.

S. C. HAYFORD will answer calls to lecture and organize Children’s Lyceums, if desired. Address Bangor, Me.

J. HACKER, Portland, Me.

MRS. SUSIE A. HUTCHINSON will speak in Buffalo, N. Y. during July and August in Cleveland O., during September, October and November.

CHARLES A. HAYDEN will speak in Charlestown, Mass., July 7 and 14. Permanent address, Livermore Falls, Me.

J. D. HASCALL, M. D. will answer calls to lecture in Wisconsin. Address, Waterloo, Wis.

D. H. HAMILTON lectures on Reconstruction and the True Mode of Communitary Life. Address, Hammonton, N. J.

MRS. ANNA E. HILL, inspirational medium and psychometrical reader, Whitesboro, Oneida Co., N. Y.

JOSEPH J. HATLINGER, M. D. inspirational speaker, will answer calls to lecture in the West, Sundays and week evenings. Address, 25 Court street, New Haven, Conn.

MISS NETTIE HAYDEN will receive calls to lecture in Massachusetts. Address, No. 20, Willmot street, Worcester, Mass.

DR. J. N. HODGES, trance speaker, will answer calls to lecture. Address, 107 Maverick street, East Boston, Mass.

MRS. S. A. HORTON, Brandon, Vt.

MISS JULIA J. HUBBARD, box 2, Greenwood, Mass.

MRS. F. O. HYZER, 60 South Green street, Baltimore, Md.

DR. E. B. HOLDEN, inspirational speaker, will lecture in Norfolk, N. Y., July 7; in West Stockholm, July 14 and 28; in Fort Jackson, July 21 and Aug. 4. Address, No. Clarendon, Vt.

CHARLES HOLT, Columbus, Warren Co., Pa.

MOSES HULL, Hobart, Lake Co., Ind.

MISS SUSIE M. JOHNSON will speak in Rock Island, Ill., during July; in Springfield during August; in St. Louis, Mo., during September. Permanent address, Milford, Mass.

DR. P. T. JOHNSON, lecturer, Ypsilanti, Mich.

W. F. JAMIESON, inspirational speaker, care of the Spiritual Republic, P. O. drawer 6325, Chicago, Ill.

S. S. JONES, ESQ.’s address is 12 Methodist Church Block, South Clark street, Chicago, Ill.

HARVEY A. JONES, ESQ., can occasionally speak on Sundays for the friends in the vicinity of Sycamore, Ill., on the Spiritual Philosophy and reform movements of the day.


O. P. KELLOGG, lecturer, East Trumbull, Ashtabula Co., O. will speak in Monroe Centre the first Sunday of every month.


CEPHAS B. LYNN, semi-conscious trance speaker, will lecture in Lynn, July 14. Address, 567 Main street, Charlestown, Mass.

J. S. LOVELAND, Chicago, Ill., care Spiritual Republic.

MRS. E. K. LADD, trance lecturer, 179 Court street, Boston.

MRS. F. A. LOGAN will answer calls to awaken an interest in, and to aid in establishing Children’s Progressive Lyceums. Address, Station D, New York, care of Walter Hyde.

B. M. LAWRENCE, M. C., will answer calls to lecture. Address, Hammonton, N. J.

MARY E. LONGDON, inspirational speaker, 60 Montgomery street, Jersey City. N. J.

JOHN A. LOWE will answer calls to lecture wherever the friends may desire. Address, box 17, Sutton, Mass.

MR. H. T. LEONARD, trance speaker, New Ipswich, N. H.

MISS MARY M. LYONS, inspirational speaker, present address, 98 East Jefferson street, Syracuse, N. Y.—will answer calls to lecture.

DR. LEO MILLER is permanently located in Chicago, Ill., and will answer calls to speak Sundays within a reasonable distance of that city. Address P. O. box 2326, Chicago, Ill.

MRS. ANNA M. MIDDLEBROOK, box 778, Bridgeport, Conn.

MRS. SARAH HELEN MATTHEWS, East Westmoreland, N. H.

DR. G. W. MORRILL, JR., trance and inspirational speaker, will lecture and attend funerals. Address, Boston, Mass.

LORING MOODY, Malden, Mass.

B. T. MUNN will lecture on Spiritualism within a reasonable distance. Address, Skaneateles, N. Y.

MRS. MARY A. MITCHELL, inspirational speaker will answer calls to lecture upon Spiritualism, Sundays and weekday evenings, in Illinois, Wisconsin and Missouri. Will attend Conventions when desired. Address care of box 221, Chicago, Ill.

DR. JAMES MORRISON, lecturer, McHenry, Ill.

MR. & MRS. H. M. MILLER, Elmira, N. Y., care W. B. Hatch.

PROF. R. M. M. COAN, Centralia, Ill.

EMMA M. MARTIN, inspirational speaker, Birmingham, Mich.

CHARLES S. MARSH, semi-trance speaker. Address, Wonewoc, Juneau Co., Wis.

DR. JOHN MAYHEW’s present address is 50 Montgomery street, Jersey City, N. J. He will answer calls to lecture in the East until September.

DR. W. H. C. MARTIN will receive calls to lecture. Address, 173 Windsor street, Hartford, Conn.

MISS SARAH A. NUTT will answer calls to lecture. Address, Claremont, N. H.

C. NORWOOD, Ottawa, Ill. Impressional and inspirational speaker.

A. L. E. NASH, lecturer, Rochester, N. Y.


J. L. POTTER, trance speaker, West Salem, Wis.

DR. D. A. PEASE, JR., Detroit, Mich.

LYDIA ANN PEARSALL, inspirational speaker, Disco, Mich.

MISS NETTIE M. PEASE, trance speaker and test medium, Detroit, Mich.

A. A. POND, inspirational speaker, North West, Ohio.

MRS. ANNA M. L. POTTS, M. D., lecturer, Adrian, Mich.

MRS. J. PUFFER, trance speaker, South Hanover, Mass.

L. JUDD PARDEE, Philadelphia, Pa.

DR. W. K. RIPLEY, box 95, Foxboro’, Mass.

DR. P. B. RANDOLPH, lecturer, care box 3352, Boston, Mass.

J. T. ROUSS, normal speaker, box 281, Beaver Dam, Wis.

A. C. ROBINSON, 15 Hathorne street, Salem, Mass., will answer calls to lecture.

J. H. RANDALL, inspirational speaker, Upper Lisle, N. Y., will lecture on Spiritualism and Physical Manifestation.

MRS. FRANK REID, inspirational speaker, Kalamazoo, Mich.

AUSTEN E. SIMMONS will speak in Woodstock, Vt., in the first, second and fifty Sundays of every month during the coming year. Address, Woodstock, Vt.

MRS. E. W. SIDNEY, trance speaker, will answer calls to lecture. Address, Fitchburg, Mass.


MRS. NELLIE SMITH, impressional speaker, Sturgis, Mich.

MRS. M. E. B. SAWYER, Baldwinsville, Mass.

MRS. MARY LOUISA SMITH, trance speaker, Toledo, O.

ABRAM SMITH, ESQ., inspirational speaker and musical medium, Sturgis, Mich.

MISS MARTHA S. STURTEVANT, trance speaker, Boston, Ma.

H. B. STORER, inspirational lecturer, 75 Fulton street, New York.

E. SPRAGUE, M. D., inspirational speaker. Permanent address, Schenectady, N. Y.

SELAH VAN SICKLE, Greenbush, Mich.

DR. WILLIAM H. SALISBURY, box 1313, Portsmouth, N. H.

J. W. SEAVER, inspirational speaker, Byron, N. Y., will answer calls to lecture or attend funerals at accessible places.

MRS. C. M. STOWE will answer calls to lecture in the Pacific States and Territories. Address, San Jose, Cal.

FRANCIS P. THOMAS, M. D., lecturer, Harmonia, Kansas.

MRS. M. S. TOWNSEND, Bridgewater, Vt.

MRS. CHARLOTTE F. TABER, trance speaker, New Bedford, Mass., P. O. box 392.

J. H. W. TOOHEY, 42 Cambridge street, Boston.

BENJAMIN TODD, San Francisco, Cal

JAMES TRASK is ready to enter the field as a lecturer on Spiritualism. Address, Kenduskeag, Me.

MRS. SARAH M. THOMPSON, inspirational speaker, 36 Bank street, Cleveland, O.

MRS. MARY E. WITHEE, trance speaker, 71 Williams street, Newark, N. J.

N. FRANK WHITE, Seymour, Conn.

MRS. M. MACOMBER WOOD, 11 Dewey street, Worcester, Mass.

F. L. H. WILLIS, M. D., 29 West Fourth street, New York.

MRS. S. E. WARNER will lecture in Richland Centre, Ill., during July; in Rochester, Minn., during August. Will answer calls to lecture week-evenings in vicinity of Sunday appointments. Address as above, or box 14, Berlin, Wis.

E. V. WILSON will speak in Galesburg., Ill., during July. Permanent address, Babcock’s Grove, Du Page co., Ill.

MRS. HATTIE E. WILSON, (colored) trance speaker. Address, East Cambridge, Mass., for the present.

ALCINDA WILHELM, M. D., inspirational speaker, can be addressed during June care of H. Staff, St. Louis, Mo.; during September and October, care of A. W. Pugh, P. O. box 2185, Cincinnati, O.

E. S. WHEELER, inspirational speaker. Address, care this office, or 5 Columbia street, Boston.

MRS. S. A. WILLIS, Lawrence, Mass., P. O. box 473.

LOIS WAISBROOKER can be addressed till further notice at Forestville, Fillmore Co., Minn., care of A. B. Register.

MRS. N. J. WILLIS, trance speaker, Boston, Mass.

F. L. WADSWORTH’s address is care of the R. P. Journal, P. O. drawer 8325, Chicago, Ill.

HENRY C. WRIGHT will answer calls to lecture. Address care of Bela Marsh, Boston.

PROF. E. WHIPPLE, lecturer upon Geology and the Spiritual Philosophy, Sturgis, Mich.

ELIJAH WOODWORTH, inspirational speaker, Leslie, Mich.

MRS. E. M. WOLCOTT will speak in Montpelier, Vt., July 7. Will answer calls East, West, North or South. Address, Danby, Vt.

MRS. MARY J. WILCOXON will lecture in Brooklyn, N. Y., till July. All wishing to engage her services for the fall months please apply immediately. Address. 80 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn.

A. C. WOODRUFF, Battle Creek, Mich.

MISS H. MARIA WORTHING, trance speaker, Osweo, Ill. will answer calls to lecture in the trance state, also to organize Children’s Lyceums. Address, Buffalo, N. Y., box 1454.

JONATHAN WHIPPLE, JR., inspirational and trance speaker. Address, Mystic, Conn.

A. A. WHEELOCK, St. Johns, Mich.

MISS ELVIRA WHEELOCK, normal speaker, Janesville, Wis.

WARREN WOOLSON, trance speaker, Hastings, N. Y.

A. B. WHITING, Albion, Mich.

MRS. JULIETTE YEAW, Northboro’, Mass.

MR. & MRS. WILLIAM J. YOUNG will answer calls to lecture in the vicinity of their home, Boise City, Idaho Territory.

MRS. S. J. YOUNG, trance lecturer, 56 Pleasant street, Boston, Mass.

MRS. FANNIE T. YOUNG, Boston, Mass.


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