

Fourth Annual Spiritual Register, with a Calendar and Speakers’ Almanac, for 1860; Facts, Philosophy, Statistics of Spiritualism. U[riah] Clark, Editor and Proprietor. Auburn, N. Y.: U. Clark, Spiritual Clarion Office.

The Spiritual Theory; What Spiritualism Has Done; The Soul’s Authority; Living Inspirations; Re-Union of Friends; True Reform; Individual Freedom; Spiritualism and the Bible; The Spiritual Dispensation; Mediums Defended; Agitation; Radicalisms, Reform; Spiritual Progress; True Marriage; Vision of Progress; The Spiritual Theory; Spiritual Intercourse; Trial and Triumph; Divine Love; General Register—Public Speakers; Regular Meetings; Mediums—Test, Healing, etc.; Journals, Wholly or in Part Spiritual; Schools; Spiritualists in America; Summary.


[. . .] Those not familiar with the facts, may regard the statistics of this Register as rather exaggerated, but it is believed they are reliable. Our lecturing tours through all the Northern States and our correspondence as a Spiritual Editor, enable us to make an accurate estimate. The names of hundreds of public mediums and lecturers are doubtless omitted, because not reported. Many names are inserted without authority. We designed to publish none except those who were willing to be known before the public. Thousands of the most reliable mediums shrink from publicity. We give no list of the names and addresses of Spiritualists, because anything like a complete list would fill a large volume, and might be abused by a certain class of drones and imposters. Nor can we give a list of places and lecturing routes, for the same reasons. It is hoped, however, this Fourth Annual Spiritual Register, will supply a general need felt among all believers, and some humble aid in guiding the skeptical and inquiring.—U. C.

The Spiritual Theory

First—Some of the doctrines of the spiritual faith are:

1. That this life is a sphere of existence in which are developed the rudiments of a being which is to exist without end.

2. That after the occurrence of the chemical change called death, mankind continue to exist as conscious spirits.

3. That all spirit-faculties possess in the body are retained and exercised in the spirit life.

4. The type of character which an individual has cultivated or sustained in this life determines the state or condition of the spirit in the beginning of the next. In other words, the spirit-life may be compared to a graded school, in which the spirit is assigned to a class for which his discipline in the earth-life has qualified him.

5. That the capacity for improvement and progression, possessed by the spirit which in this form, is retained in the spirit-life. Hence—

6. That the state (sometimes called sphere,) into which a spirit at first enters on leaving the form, is not of necessity fixed; but the spirit, at its own volition, can attract more refined and elevated spirits, by whose co-operating influence it can pursue an endless course of progression in Purity and Excellence, forever assimilating itself more and more to the Ultimate of DIVINE PERFECTION.

7. That under certain favorable conditions spirits can and do, manifest themselves to, and communicate with, persons in the flesh; and for this purpose they sometimes make sounds upon material substances, or move such substance, and sometimes employ the organism of mortals who are susceptible to their influence, inspiring them to write, speak, personate those who have died, of whom they had no knowledge, tell the events of the past, present and future; perform acts of healing, and do many other things commonly classed as miracles.

8. That observation has shown, that by our mental, moral and physical state, we can aid or hinder the approach of the spirits to the earth. But the laws by which we are able to do this are as yet but imperfectly understood.

9. That persons who are susceptible to the influence of departed spirits are likely to attract those which are of a like character with themselves.

10. That the spirits which can influence one organism may not be able to affect another; and in case where the same spirit influences different persons, it will be likely to do it in different ways, and for different uses, according to the varying organism—G. Beckwith.

Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Speak the truth in love. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one towards another. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart—and thy neighbor as thyself. He that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen.—New Testament.

What Spiritualism Has Done.

Before the advent of Spiritualism, the masses of the people lay in spiritual night.—Zion was mournful and desolate, watching in vain for the Millenial morn to break. The multitudes plodded on with no certain light of the future. Children huddled in silent awe over the dead. Death was a blinding, frightful mystery. Homes sounded hollow with the wail and woe of bereaved hearts. Marys watched lonely at the sepulcher, but no resurrection morn dawned on their tear-dimmed eyes. Young men and maidens, aged and middle aged, mourners all, hung desolate over grave-yards and blasted hearth-stones, calling for the dear departed; and the dying lifted their wan hands and faces towards that dread unknown from whose bourne no traveller had supposed to return.

Hark! sounds were heard. They came again and again. From home to home they vibrate, till oceans and continents are crossed, till every ear is startled, till the whole globe trembles as beneath shocks of some celestial battery touched by the fingers of Omnipotence, flashing the electric flames and rolling the thunders of Sinai over the angel-trod mountain tops of the century. Messages came, startling the world with overwhelming evidences of immortality. The weary, working masses lift up their eyes with joy and wonder, and new hopes gleam on their toiling way. The young crouch in terror no more, but talk of brothers and sisters only gone on before; and the orphan sees a dead mother transformed into a guardian angel, watching over the lone one by night and day, and singing songs of the everlasting home. Young men and maidens trip on their gladsome way, with new hopes and loves. The lost son of the lone widow comes back, and wipes away her tears with hands reached out from the spirit-land where the prodigal shall wander no more.—Fathers and mothers, and the long train of mourners who wept and wailed over the dead, now lift their faces heavenward; and, lo, the veil is parted by beloved ones, and the home of “many mansions” hymns to earth the song of angel-loves forever sheltered beneath that Father’s dome where no clouds lower or storms beat on the bared soul. Old men and women, tottering over the grave in despair, start up on their staves, bend low their eager care; and, lo, the dear, departed of other years come back, and guide their trembling steps up the mount of God where age blooms in eternal youth, and the sainted dead are gathered to their fathers.—U. C.

The Soul’s Authority.

Every individual must make his own soul the standard of authority in determining what is true or false in principle, and right or wrong in action. If we aim to do right, if our motives are approved by the highest convictions of the soul, although we may err in judgment and run into trouble, we shall never fall under self-condemnation. The god within us shall bring us into judgment, and if we stand acquitted, before that inward tribunal, no other “judgment seat” shall have power over the happiness and destiny of the soul.—Leo Miller.

Living Inspirations.

If the story of Prometheus was once a fable, we are sure that in an important sense, it is fabulous no longer. Invisible hands have rekindled immortal fires on our own altars, to warm the great heart and to light up the face of Humanity. The relations of great thoughts and noble deeds to the realms of Spiritual causation are daily becoming more perceptible. Through all the inherent forces and essential laws of the celestial, spiritual and natural worlds, a Divine energy is infused, and Powers unseen speak in the inspired thoughts of living men, who sit like stars at the celestial gates.—S. B. Brittan.

Re-Union of Friends.

Shall we know our friends again? For my own part, I cannot doubt it; least of all, when I drop a tear over their recent dust. Death does not separate them from us here. Can life in Heaven do it? They live in our remembrance. Memory rakes in the ashes of the dead, and the virtues of the departed flame up anew, enlightening the dim cold walls of our consciousness. Much of our joy is social here. Must it not be so there, that we are with our real friends!—Man loves to think it; yet to trust is wiser than to prophesy. But the girl who went from us, a little one, may be as parent to her father when he comes, and the man who left us have far outgrown our dream of an angel when we meet again.—Theodore Parker.

True Reform.

If the spirit of Christ prevailed, there would be more charity among those who now live for the good of themselves alone. Scenes of strife are not those for which we now pray nor for which our influence is given. Let brotherly love continue without separation or dissension.

Those who are now most cautious in the expression of their sentiments, will soon become mouth-pieces for the utterance of sentiments most radical and revolutionary. This will be caused by the nature of the influences which are now acting in the earth, and which attract like influences from the spirit world. The minds of men are agitated. There is a conflict between principle and policy; between sentiment and what is deemed prudence. If the martyrdom of one true disciple of the right and the just could forever settle the one single question in that idea to which he became a martyr, yet the principle involved in human progress will never be settled by the martyrdom of its advocates, but by the gradual overcoming and interpenetrating power of higher influences on the soul itself. Remember what we say. Be wise in your generation as the children of light, as the children of this material world are wise in their generation. Antagonism, opposition will be the order of progress for a long time to come, but all true progress will consist in the establishment of permanent, harmonic relations in each individual soul and the conformation of the life to the principle of Love.—H. B. Storer.

Individual Freedom.

No one need fear the sovereignty of individualism; the right of each to act in accordance with his highest intuitions. For, should one man transcend his boundaries, another will let him know it. We need to practice the gospel of self-government. The conservative may cry aloud for the safety and sanctity of institutions. But heed him not! His cries proceedeth from the wilderness of crime and the marshes of despotism which are ten-fold more dangerous than the everglades of Florida.—A. J. Davis.

Whether shall I go from thy spirit? or whether shall I flee from thy presence?—David.

Touching the Almighty, we cannot find Him out.—Job.

Spiritualism and the Bible.

The spiritual theory and spiritual communications maintain all the great and leading doctrines of Christianity. In regard to the Bible, I cannot better express my views than in the language of the Rev. Adin Ballou: “Whatever of divine fundamental principle, absolute truth, and essential righteousness there is in the Bible, in the popular religion, and in the established churches, will stand. It cannot be done way. On the contrary, it will be corroborated and fulfilled by spirit manifestations.”—Hon. N. P. Tallmadge.

Can Spiritualism Stand Alone?

In our humble opinion, it can. We would assume no sectarian importance, no arbitrary authority, no narrow-minded intolerance, no personal pride or conceit, no unfraternal spirit, and yet we would insist on asserting Spiritualism as adequate to cover the broad ground of all human needs, embracing all that is good and true in the past, present and future; the life of all progress, reform, philosophy, religion and revelation. Its foundation is laid in the great heart of humanity and on the Biblical facts of all ages and nations, while its dome rises over the loftiest empyrean of heaven, forming the boundless cathedral at whose altar God and the countless myriads of the eternal world are evermore ministering in behalf of man. With this view, we have no idea of compromising Spiritualism, or seeking to popularize it in the esteem of the opposing world or the fashionable church and clergy. We would cordially accept every sentiment dropped in harmony with it, but we are not disposed to count every man a Spiritualist who now and then drops a sentence in accordance with our philosophy. Take some of our so-called star preachers who are on fat salaries of thousands of dollars. Why fidget ourselves about whether they are Spiritualists or not?—They are not, and they take every favorable opportunity to thrust at us. Spiritualism can live without these men or their church oligarchies. There is no such thing as putting and keeping new wine in old bottles. We repudiate all such temporizing policies. Spiritualism can and will stand on its own merits.—U.C.

The Spiritual Dispensation.

This new dispensation comes to supply the want to the countless thousands who are now slumbering in indifference or toiling in infidelity to convict man of his immortality, and instruct him how to make it happy; to open to his view the great doctrine of progression, involving an eternity of action, and the supremacy of his reason over the besetting propensities of his material nature, and to impress upon him forever to love God and his neighbor.—Judge Edmonds.

If we reject all the evidences adduced in behalf of Modern Spiritualism, we may likewise reject all the evidences coming down through centuries in behalf of the inspirations and alleged miracles of the Bible.

Mediums Defended.

Mediums are our fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers, neighbors and friends; most of them have become mediums contrary to their wish and will, and, in spite of the opposition of themselves and friends, the phenomena have appeared wherever they chose, and have, in each case, commanded attention and enforced conviction of their spiritual origin, until now, in the comparatively short space of ten years, Spiritualism has its millions of mediums and believers scattered over the wide world, in every nation and with every race of people.

There has been no collusion between mediums, and yet there is a remarkable likeness in all the manifestations wherever they occur, with whatsoever race of people, and in whatsoever language, and through the several phases of the manifestations. Beside, whersoever they occur, and in the presence of persons, who do not believe they are spiritually produced, the phenomena claim for themselves a spiritual origin.

We submit that the history of the phenomena fully vindicates the integrity of their mediums, and the hypothesis of deception offered in solution of them has ever been weak, malevolent, insufferably unjust, and we submit that it should forever be abandoned.—Charles Partridge.

And behold, there appeared Moses and Elias talking with him.—Matthew.
And I, Daniel, alone saw the vision; for the men that were with me saw now, but a great quaking fell upon them, so that they fled to hide themselves.—Daniel.


Peace cometh after battle; it treads in the path which agitation makes clear for her footsteps. It has been said, “Force is the forerunner of civilization.” So, agitation is the pioneer preparing the way of peace; the John Baptist crying in the wilderness. Let the smouldering fires of intense thought burst forth; let the earth of materialism quake from its centre, and the Pompeiis and Herculaneums of ignorance and superstition be buried deep; and over their ruins shall rise the New Jerusalem with another song of “Peace and good will.”—Mrs. U. C.

Radicalisms, Reforms.

What is the relation between Spiritualism and the so-called radicalisms and reforms agitating the age? We are continually answering this inquiry in one way and another. Without setting up any sort of authority over others, to abridge their liberty, to silence their convictions of the right and true, or to suspend their reason, we regard Spiritualism as unfolding those laws of human progress which underlie all true reform, and aim at a radical revolution of all that is false in the existing condition of church, state and society. But we advocate no violence, no ruthless aggression, no carnal weapons of warfare, no pulling down of the old until the foundations of the new are laid, no up-building of new sects, parties or societies to compromise the soul, but the unfolding of the divinity of the individual man and woman as more sacred than all false, external institutions. While we grant to all equal rights, we insist that individuals alone shall be held responsible for the use and application they make of Spiritualism. We mean to be conservative enough to retain every thing of the good and true in the past and present, and radical enough to keep up with the most progressive ideas and agitations of the age, while we seek to exercise all possible wisdom and discretion as to what conscience and humanity demand us to write, say or do—U. C.

Angel Helpers.

In this age of thought and agitation, there are many peculiar trials with which we come in conflict. At times we grow sick and disheartened, feeling incompetent to accomplish aught of good in the great battle of life. From the inner sanctuary of our being goeth out a voice to God. Listening angels bend in holy love to wipe away our tears and bathe us in blissful, God-like communion. They watch with joy over thousands of humble, struggling souls whose deeds of goodness pass all unnoted by the multitude. But these lowly laborers are appreciated and blessed by a few of earth’s children also, those whose prayers call down benedictions for favors received in the time of need, of temptation and trial. Richer, sweeter, far is a “God bless you,” falling from the grateful heart of a forsaken brother or sister, than the loud plaudits of a world. Angels catch the echoing prayer, bearing it to the Father, and double blessings descend. No kind word, deed or smile bestowed on the humblest of God’s children, shall pass unnoted by the invisibles: and could we behold their radiant faces as they bless us, we should rejoice even though our lot seemed the saddest. Angels, sweet angels, come with us ever, whispering to our drooping spirits of the better and truer life! Inspire in us a dignified confidence in our own individuality, that we may become heroes and heroines in the field of humanity. Then shall our hearts pour forth songs of gladness; our deeds shall be of goodness and love; and though our feet are in caverns deep and dark, or tread the rugged cliffs of life, we shall remember our Father is above, and angels hold our hands.—Miss M. J. K.

Spiritual Progress.

Human history affords nothing parallel with the progress of Modern Spiritualism. Only eleven years, and its Journals are numbered by scores, its volumes and public evangels by hundreds, its mediums by thousands, its believers by millions. Conservative to all good, and radically revolutionary to all evil, beneath its angel influences, the Church, State and Society of today, are rocking like stranded barks and ocean waves. Adapting its manifestations to every phase of life, to the lowliest hamlets and loftiest palaces, the home and the wilderness, the field and the workshop, the highway and the lanes of holiest worship; teaching man all his duties and relations, and expanding his being with great thoughts mounting beyond the mouldering vault of death; breaking down all barriers dividing the children of God; lighting the material universe as the temple of Deity vocal with anthems of harmony; opening communion between man and the myriads peopling the spiritual empires; flooding our hemisphere with glory-gleams of the Divine and Eternal; flashing the fires of celestial influx through the massive walls of materialism standing for ages between earth and heaven; why need we wonder that multitudes are startled into new-born gladness, shouting, “Glory to God in the highest.”—U. C.

Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.—Paul.

Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God.—John.

True Marriage.

This great spiritual power cannot be stopped or prevented from renovating humanity. The human family must have a higher standard.—The ideas of the past have brought us, in our social relations, to monogamy, and into legalized libertinism. A higher standard of morals will lead us to true virtue. Marriage has been legal, instead of spiritual. We have to become individualized, and to come out of all custom and to come into truth. This has no reference to any action against our laws, for, were we all unmarried to-night, we should marry just as badly to-morrow morning. The angel-world is going to not interfere, particularly, with our marriage relations, but to individualize us, to enlighten our souls. The question of marriage very much agitated the Christians, in the days of the apostles. In these days, many people seem to suppose Spiritualism comes to unmarry us all. But we need supporters; let us have them. When we are grown up to true individualism, we realize the oneness of the sexes, and shall find that male and female are alike, until the soul finds its mate, whether in this world or the next. Our laws are right, for every man that is under the laws needs them.—Amanda Britt Spence.

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who bringeth glad tidings.—Isaiah.

The spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me.—Ezekiel.

Vision of Progress.

I stand beneath the beamings of a light which is almost darkness because of its intensity, and see from out that blazing sun a ray of truth and power that reaches each human spirit which has been, or which is to be; not calling, with audible voice, humanity into existence, but calling, by the very exercise of its omnific power, the human race into being, and carrying them on, with eternal potency, though these eternal changes, unfolding, unfolding, unfolding, for ever and forever.—J. S. Loveland.

The agitation of thought is the beginning of wisdom.—A. J. Davis.

I go away, and come again unto you.—Jesus.

I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh.—Joel.

The Spiritual Theory.

The backbone of the whole theory of spiritual existence in every school is, that there is immanent with man a spiritual essence, which, while the body exists, forms a part thereof, and when it decays, still remains and continues to exist, under such change of conditions as the death of the body has induced. Under this theory it is fair to infer, that the spirit which has been set free from the body of one person by death, and continues its existence in the distinctive spiritual state, is but an emanation from the structure of the body which it once inhabited, and possesses the same general character, as an entity, with that which resides in the body of another person now remaining on the earth. That the spirits in their disembodied condition can communicate with those in the flesh, is, therefore, as easy to conceive as that they can do so with their etherial companions, since, in both states or spheres, they partake of the same generic constitution; and whatever differences there are between them, are due, not to the different elements of their nature, but to the different states and degrees in which their common nature is developed.—Geo. Beckwith.

Spiritual Intercourse.

However far back we extend our researches into the depths of antiquity, we find no period so remote that this method of communicating with invisible intelligence does not seem to have existed; and its universal prevalence among the ancients seems indicative of a necessity, by a law of human nature, that some channel of supernal wisdom should be constantly open to man through which he might receive instruction adapted to the ever-varying circumstances and exigencies of individual, social, national life.—Wm. Fishbough.

Trial and Triumph.

The Spiritual gospel cannot be resisted! We welcome it as the richest legacy of life. When its evidences take hold of our minds and its inspirations warm our souls, we are prepared for whatever scorn, derision, wrath, persecution or suffering the world may pour on us. Throngs may follow us with curses, calling us dupes or knaves; poverty and proscription may haunt the pioneer who goes forth breasting the public storm; yet we can afford to go on enduring, laboring, waiting, assured of angel smiles, and glories fast unfolding for humanity. The time is coming when opposing priest and people shall file in with the gathering ranks of spiritual progress. Another Pentecost shall see thousands born in a day. This generation shall yet realize the light foretold by ancient seers and sages. “Blow ye the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm!” “They shall come from the east and the west, the north and south!” Many shall come in the midst of private griefs and disasters, sorrows and deaths; or it may be in the midst of revolutions rocking thrones and empires, or dread calamities sweeping continents with consternation and alarm; yet the time hastens when God’s celestial hosts shall gather in majesty to awake the slumbering millions to a solemn consciousness of the reality of things spiritual and eternal.

Readers of the Register! join ye with us in echoing the harmonic sounds of this everlasting gospel, and in preparing for the great “conflict of the ages.”—U. C.

Divine Love.

Enough that the Great Father loves all his children with an undying, inexhaustible affection, which many waters cannot quench, nor floods drown, and which sin itself has no power to diminish. Enough that all his providences tend invariably to some kind and degree of good, forever and ever. Our soul is made glad within us, and shouts with an interior joy for what unknown mercies must eternally be measured out, and what more than puny human thoughts are in the GREAT EVERLASTING LOVE.—W. H. Fernald.


General Register.

The names of Speakers, Mediums, Journals and Books are given without criticism or endorsement. The public must judge, and individuals held responsible. Spiritualism has no sectarian organization; all persons stand individually accountable. This Register does not claim to be complete, though all possible efforts have been made by its Editor after an itinerancy through all of the Northern States, and a correspondence embracing the whole Union. Hundreds of speakers, and thousands of private mediums are not reported. NORMAL, applies to speakers in the natural state, most of whom, however, speak under inspiration. TRANCE, those who are sensibly influenced or controlled by spirits. HEALING, etc., includes healing and clairvoyant mediums.

Public Speakers.

I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves; be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.—Jesus.
NEW YORK. New York City—Normal—W. Fishbough, T. L. Harris, T. C. Benning, R. T. Hallock, J. R. Orton, J. B. Dods, C. Partridge, J. F. Coles, J. W. Edmonds, J. Tiffany, Mrs. A. M. Spence, Prof. Spence, Mrs. Eliza W. Farnham, Emma Hardinge, Mrs. Beebe Wilbour, R. P. Wilson, Ira B. Davis, R. K. Browne.

Trance—New York City—Cora Scott, Mrs. E. J. French, Mrs. J. F. Coles.

Normal—Ira Hitchcock, J. D. Gage, Oneida; Mr. and Mrs. U. Clark, Auburn; H. K. Park, Baldwinsville; G. Weeden, Morris; A. E. Holbrook, Watertown; B. H. Davis, Poughkeepsie; A. G. Abbott, Hopkinton; A. M. Potter, Elmira; I. V. Mapes, Webb’s Mills; H. M. Stewart, Penn Yan; H. Slade, Saratoga; G. W. Taylor, North Collins; G. B. Stebbins, Rochester; Mr. Plumb, Holly; H. W. Fish, Cortland; John Page, Elba; D. Lester, Mexico; Mrs. Frances Bond, Lockport; O. Abbott, Buffalo; J. Francis, Stockholm; Miss Amelia J. Dods, Brooklyn; O. B. Scott, Woodville; C. H. Baldwin, Napoli; A. Hogeboom, Erieville; M. Wright, Victor; John Ganswyk, Syracuse; M. Sheldon, Delphi; P. B. Randolph, Stockbridge; O. H. Wellington, Jamestown; G. S. Hicks, Peterboro; J. F. Walker, Glens Falls.

Trance—J. O. Ransom, Smyrna; Mrs. J. Crowley, Victory; Mrs. Palmer, Big Flats; J. W. Seaver, Mr. Walker, Byron Centre; Mrs. Edgeworth, Rochester; S. Cooper, Mrs. L. L. Griffen, Warsaw; G. M. Jackson, H. A. Johnson, Prattsburg; L. R. Lombard, Phebe J. Howland, Mrs. Ruth Clark, West Walworth; W. O. Moffit, Pulaski; Mrs. H. Halsted, Ledyard; H. Stoddard, Miss Hines, Watertown; Mrs. Robins, Colbrook; Mrs. L. A. Bulfinch, Mrs. H. Leiber, Spafford; A. Barbor, Scott; S. P. Hamlin, O. Curtis, Solsville; Mrs. Tuksbury, Mount Morris; Mary Jane King, Auburn; L. B. Hyatt, Mrs. H. Goodrich, Ithaca; Dwight Broadrick, Little Falls; Mrs. E. Woodsen, North Scriba; R. G. Livingston, Genoa; Miss E. Lowe, Leon; Mrs. P. Chappel, Phoenix; H. Northrop, Georgetown; Mrs. A. Mapels, Milford.

MASSACHUSETTS—Normal—A. E. Newton, L. B. Monroe, John Hobart, H. F. Gardner, J. C. Cluer, E. V. Wilson, E. S. Wheeler, J. S. Loveland, B. Danforth, Boston; D. F. Godard, Chelsea; Allen Putnam, A. B. Child, Roxbury; R. Elmer, Springfield; T. W. Higginson, Worcester; J. J. Locke, South Reading; George Stearns, West Acton; D. J. Mandell, Athol; H. Barber, Warwick; L. C. Welch, Stoughton; John Pierpont, West Medford; Dexter Dana, East Boston; E. R. Eaton, South Hanson; H. L. Bowker, Natick. Cora Wilburn, Northampton; C. T. Irish, Taunton; F. T. Lane, Lawrence; C. P. Riker, Lowell; Mrs. B. B. Chase, West Harwich; E. R. Young, Quincy; H. A. Eaton, R. Hassell, F. G. Gurnsey, A. B. Newcomb, address unknown.

Trance—J. R. M. Squires, Miss R. F. Amedy, Miss E. Smith, L. K. Coonley, L. Moody, Mrs. Sawyer, Miss Emma Houston, Mrs. Fowler, Mrs. Young, George Atkins, Miss M. Munson, Miss M. E. Brown, Miss Sarah A. Magoun, Boston; Miss L. A. Jewett, Mrs. S. M. Bliss, Springfield; C. H. Crowell, Watertown; Mrs. J. W. Currier, Lawrence; Miss Vesta J. Burrell, Randolph; H. P. Fairfield, Greenwich Village; N. S. Greenleaf, Lowell; Mrs. J. Puffer, North Hanson; G. Goward, Stoughton; Almira Pease, South Wilbraham; Miss Whipple, Mrs. Nickenson, Worcester; J. L. Potter, Ware; Miss S. M. Johnson, Medford; W. W. Perry, North Bridgwater; Mrs. F. B. Felton; Northampton; Mrs. L. Johnson, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. J. Baker, Dudley; George Hitchcock, George Upham, Brimfield; S. S. Upham, Randolph; J. H. Harris, George W. Keene, addresses not reported; H. A. Tucker, Foxboro; A. C. Robinson, Fall River; Miss Lizzie Doten, Miss B. A. Rider, Plymouth; J. H. Currier, Lowell; T. C. Moody, Salem; Miss Fannie Davis, Milford; Miss E. E. Gibson, Barre; Mrs. E. Clough, Charlestown.

VERMONT—Normal—T. Middleton, Mrs. Hull, Woodstock; H. Elkins, Williston; Mrs. F. O. Hyzer, Montpelier; D. Chapin, Huntington; H. P. Cutting, Castleton.

Trance—Miss A. W. Sprague, Plymouth; Mrs. M. S. Townsend, Bridgewater; Mrs. S. A. Horton, Sudbury; Mrs. A. B. Manchester, West Randolph; Mrs. M. F. Brown, Mrs. Cook, Rutland; Mrs. M. A. Brown, Sandusky; J. Rodgers, Bethel; Mrs. Electa B. Bemis, Dammerston; Miss S. Bradley, Dover; Mrs. G. Pratt, West Braintree; Mrs. Wilber, Williston; Helen Temple, Bennington; Mrs. A. P. Tompson, Waterbury; Miss H. M. Eddy, Huntington; A. E. Simmons, Woodstock; Mrs. E. Cushman, Ripton; B. V. Wright, Montpelier; Mrs. Z. Lamb, West Randolph; Mrs. Payne, Leicester.

NEW HAMPSHIRE—Normal—Mr. Elliot, Franklin; J. P. Boody, Laconia.

Trance—W. Brown, Drewsville; Mrs. Danforth, Misses Hollis, White, Houstin, Mrs. J. B. Smith, Manchester; J. H. Randall, Winchester; J. H. Shepherd, South Arkworth.

MAINE—Normal—Jabez C. Woodman, Portland; Gibson Smith, Camden; M. Taylor, Bradford.

Trance—H. G. Cole, Portland; H. Cutler, A. P. Pierre, Belfast; G. B. Hopkins, Oldtown; Mary Moran, Hallowell; R. M. Smith, Hampden; Mrs. A. C. Cram, Mrs. Haskell, Bucksfield; J. L. Lovell, Yarmouth; Mrs. Rockwood, Mrs. Pray, Mrs. Keen, Augusta; Miss E. Cunningham, Bradford; J. N. Hodges, Monroe; Mrs. C. F. Works, Bangor.

RHODE ISLAND—Trance—Mrs. Mary A. Macomber, Olneyville.

CONNECTICUT—Normal—H. B. Storer, George Beckwith, New Haven; Leo Miller, Hartford; J. L. D. Otis, Norwich; C. W. Burgess, West Killingly, J. H. Curtis.

Trance—Mrs. A. M. Middlebrook, Bridgeport; Mrs. E. D. Simons, G. M. Rice, Williamsville; S. Miller, Levi Kinney, Tompson; Mrs. H. Puffer, Hartford; Miss Howe, Windsor; Mrs. J. S. Miller, New Haven; J. Pettis, Putnam; Mrs. Wood, Daysville; Mrs. H. M. Tuttle, Winsted; Miss M. Beckweth, New Haven.

NEW JERSEY—Normal—S. B. Brittan, G. C. Stewart, William Miller, Newark; Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Davis, Orange.

PENNSYLVANIA—Normal—Mr. Rhen, Dr. Harvey, J. E. Churchill, and others not reported, Philadelphia. A. M. Townshend, New Brighton; B. Davis, Rockton; Harvey De Wolf, Northeast; Jerome Fuller, Cornelia Kinney, Spartansburg; W. Clark.

OHIO—Normal—O. L. Sutliff, Ravenna; William Hueston, Perrysburg; J. S. Finney, Amherst; H. Tuttle, Berlin Heights; F. Gale, Columbus; H. F. M. Brown, J. H. W. Toohey, Cleveland; L. E. Barnard, Mrs. Robertson, Dr. Morrison, Akron; Almon Gage, Hamilton; B. P. Barnum, Rochester; S. P. Leland, unknown; Mrs. Kellenberger and Matthias, Chillicothe.

Trance—V. C. Hunt, Madison; Mrs. Warner, Milan; A. B. French, Farmington; O. P. Kellogg, Newton Falls; Mr. and Mrs. A. Parker, Selma; Mrs. Whipple, Starkie; Dr. J. Cooper, Bellefontaine; H. C. Clark, Auburn; Mrs. Carter, Pittsfield; G. Pond, Mrs. M. Sargent, Marion; L. Harris, M. Vincent, M. Scott, Berkshire; W. H. Crittenden, Grafton; G. E. Walcutt, B. W. Freeman, William Robertson, Columbus; Dr. Mason, Maumee City; Mrs. L. Baker, Painesville; J. B. Campbell, Mary Amphlet, Anna M. Carver, Cincinnati; Lovell Beebe, North Ridgeville; Miss Bartlett, Green Springs; M. Gray, Mrs. M. Smith, Harmony; Mary Hause, Mary Van Syckle, S. Van Syckle, Mrs. H. Williams, Marengo; A. A. Pond, New London; Mrs. S. M. Tompson, Toledo; Mrs. H. M. Miller, Ashtabula; W. A. Hume, Cleveland; Miss J. E. Burdick, Clyde; L. M. Andrews.

MICHIGAN—Normal—Warren Chase, G. W. Nichols, A. P. Averill, J. M. Peebles, Battle Creek; Elder Farley, Burr Oak; H. Foster, Mendon; H. S. Dille, Three Rivers; Mrs. M. J. Kutz, Ionia; F. L. H. Willis, E. B. Louden, Coldwater; E. Case, Jr., Osseo; M. Van Avery, Madison.

Trance—A. B. Whiting, Brooklyn; J. S. Brown, V. Jamison, Mrs. Eastman, Albion; C. L. Colvin, Pontiac; Mary E. Avery, Bellevue; Maria C. Pease, Miss J. Fowler, Adrian; E. Woodworth, Leslie; William Orr, Monroe City; Mr. and Mrs. Bates, Coldwater; T. H. Graham, Mrs. Camp, Dover; George Shaffer, Cambridge; C. Wykoff, Sarah J. Hallenback, Ypsilanti; Mrs. D. Chadwick, Lindon; P. Johnson, Laphamville.

ILLINOIS—Normal—R. O. Old, Mrs. Trusdell, Elgin; J. C. Smith, Judge Boardman, Ira Porter, Waukegan; H. Snow, Rockford; O. J. Mullen, J. B. Cutler, Bethel; T. G. Foster, Mendota; W. Hammond, Wayne Station; Samuel Clark, Beaverton; Libbie Higgins, H. H. Tator, Chicago.

Trance—J. P. Greenleaf, Lasalle; Mrs. H. E. Clafton, Dundee; S. Park, Poplar Grove; Isabella Scougall, Miss Hulett, Rockford; Mrs. Abbey Warner Smith, unknown; C. Linda, Alton; Mrs. McCoy, Daysville.

WISCONSIN—Normal—N. P. Tallmadge, Fon Du Lac; C. P. Stanfield, unknown; E. B. Wheelock, Madison; J. Baker, Cooksville; G. W. Hollister.

Trance—Mrs. C. M. Stowe, Fon Du Lac; A. J. Clarke, Milwaukee; Miss Laura De Force, Lacrosse; Emma Jay Bullene, Geneva; Caleb Miller, Elkhart.

INDIANA—W. A. Peffer, J. Merrifield, Mishawaka; Elder Fish, Goshen; M. F. Shuey, Elkhart; Mrs. Mary Thomas, Richmond; Mrs. J. R. Streeter, Crown Point; Mrs. P. Pierson, Knightstown; A. P. Bowman, Angola; S. Niles, Mrs. E. L. Tallmadge, Laporte; A. G. Parker, L. Anderson, T. W. Cook.

MARYLAND—Normal—W. N. Laning, Baltimore.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA—Normal—Dr. Cragin, Georgetown.

TENNESSEE—Normal—J. B. Ferguson, Nashville.

IOWA—Dr. N. Adams, Miss Oliver, J. S. Harper, J. T. Rouse.


SOUTH CAROLINA—Normal—Joel M. Clayton, Walhalla.

GEORGIA—L. F. W. Andrews, Macon.

CANADA WEST—J. Baker, Cookstown.

TRAVELLING—R. P. Ambler, L. J. Pardee, John Mayhew, Mrs. Van Dusen, Mr. and Mrs. Morell, F. L. Wadsworth, J. M. Holland, J. B. Lewis, Mrs. Frankenstein, Mrs. A. E. Kingsbury, Mrs. C. M. Hawley, Mrs. Ostrander, Mrs. Frances E. Hyer, Mrs. D. C. French, N. Frank White.

Total normal speakers reported   182

Total trance speakers reported   226

Whole number speakers reported   408

Reports unavoidably incomplete from every part of the country.

Regular Meetings.

NEW YORK. CITY—Dodworth Academy, 808 Broadway; Dr. R. T. Hallock, Secretary. Lamertine Hall, 8th Avenue. Hope Chapel, Broadway.

Brooklyn, Troy, Utica, Syracuse, Oswego, Auburn and about one hundred and fifty other places in the State.

NEW ENGLAND—Boston, Lowell, Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport, Providence, Portland, Augusta, Bangor, Manchester, Montpelier, Burlington, Rutland and about two hundred other places.

WESTERN STATES—Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis and 300 other places.

SOUTHERN AND MIDDLE STATES—Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans, Macon, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Newark and 50 others.

Whole number of places where meetings or lectures are regular or occasional, 1500.

Mediums—Test, Healing, Etc.

There are diversities of gifts and operations.—PAUL.
NEW YORK—New York City—Raps, etc.—Ann L. Brown, Katy Fox, Miss Smith, Mrs. Banker, Mrs. Beck.

Test—Mrs. Kellogg, G. A. and A. N. Redman, J. B. Conklin, Miss Cole, Mrs. Malone, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. S. A. Graham; Miss S. J. Irish.

Healing, etc.—Mrs. French, Mrs. Tower, Mrs. Gourley, Mrs. Bradley, W. C. Hussey, Mrs. Norris, Mrs. Reed, John Scott, Mrs. Mitchell, Mary Towne, Julia Lounsbury, Mrs. Leon, Mrs. Lines, N. Wheeler, Mrs. Chapin, Mrs. Rodgers, R. P. Wilson, W. O. Page, Mrs. S. R. Page, A. G. Wolfe, I. G. Atwood.

Healing, etc.—N. W. Bruce, Lockport; A. G. Fellows, Albion; A. B. Smith, Rondout; Mrs. Gay, Canastota; Mrs. Goodrich, Ithaca; H. M. Dunbar, Penn Yan; Mrs. Susan Corwin, Dr. Price, Mrs. Barnes, Syracuse; I. D. Seeley, Milford; J. B. Hartwell, Smyrna; C. S. Johnson, Mrs. White, A. B. Graves, Nelson; Dr. Kenyon, Albany, J. Beagle, Niles; W. Livingston, A. Stoddard, E. Acker, Poughkeepsie; A. M. Convis, Bridgewater; Mrs. Loomis, Willowvale; Mrs. Griffin, Elba; T. B. Edgarton, Jamesville; Dr. P. P. King, King’s Ferry; Mrs. Long, Corfu; S. C. Kingsley, North Stockholm; Dr. E. Andrews, Albany, N. Y.; N. F. Robins, Colbrook; J. Bentley and P. Curtis, Utica; H. Merrill, A. C. English, Batavia; Mrs. S. Chamberlain, Le Roy; Mrs. Tuttle, Byron; Mr. and Mrs. Swain, Buffalo; W. F. Van Vleck, J. F. Carter, Laona.

Test Tipping.—Mrs. J. R. Robertson, Syracuse.

Writing, etc.—Sarah E. Griswold, Batavia; Mrs. Phillips, Pheonix.

Physical Manifestation.—Sarah Brooks, the Davenports, Buffalo.

MASSACHUSETTS—Boston—Test—Mrs. A. L. Coan, Mrs. W. R. Hayden, Mrs. Bean, Mrs. Covert. Test Trance.—Mrs. Snow, Mrs. Burt, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Conant. Healing—Charles Main, W. F. Osburn, Mrs. C. L. Newton, W. E. Rice, H. C. Gordon, Mrs. Kemlo, J. W. Greenwood, Mrs. Dickinson, Mrs. L. B. Smith, N. C. Lewis, A. B. Newcomb, Mrs. B. K. Little, W. H. Nutter, J. T. G. Pike, G. Atkins, Mrs. E. B. Danforth, C. C. York, Mrs. E. E. Richards, Mrs. Breman, Mrs. L. F. Hyde, Mrs. P. Clark, Miss Moulton, Mrs. A. W. Delafolie, J. Estes. Answering sealed letters—J. V. Mansfield, L. L. Farnsworth.

Painting—Mrs. Kendall, Mr. Wolcott. J. D. Styles, writing.

Healing.—J. A. Bassett, William Holland, Salem; Mrs. Patt, Malden; Mrs. Young, Charlestown; Mrs. Dexter, Warren; Mrs. Sidney, Fitchburg; Mrs. Nightengale, West Randolph; Mrs. G. W. Walker, Lowell; D. R. Stockwell, Webster; Mrs. Amsden, Barre; Mrs. Barber, Dudley; J. Jamison, Oxford; Mrs. H. Allcoud, Roxbury; A. Smith, Mansfield; Mrs. L. Tribou, Hanover; B. H. Crandon, Plymouth.

Test.—C. H. Foster, Salem. Rapping.—Mrs. Johnson and Healy, Dudley.

Physical.—S. Fish, Miss Ide, Webster. Writing.—Miss S. Ide, Webster; Mrs. Barber, Dudley; Mrs. Prouty, Brimfield; Mrs. Hall, Warren. Trance—G. Upham, G. Hitchcock, Brimfield; Mrs. Cheeney, Athol.

RHODE ISLAND.—Healing—Mrs. Frances H. Green, Providence; J. C. Grenell, Newport.

CONNECTICUT.—Healing, etc.—Mrs. J. R. Mettler, D. Norton, John R. Reade, Mrs. S. F. Perkins, Hartford; Calvin Hall, Somers; A. C. Stiles, Bridgeport; Emeline R. Merritt, Windsor; Mrs. Wood, Daysville; D. D. Cady, Putnam—Trance—L. Kinney, S. Miller, Mrs. Guile, Tompson. Raps.—Miss F. Jordan, New Boston. Writing.—Sarah Dearth Tompson; Mrs. Pettis, Putnam; W. Keith, Mrs. N. A. Keith, healing, etc., Tolland.

MAINE.—Healing, etc.—Mrs. J. W. Snow, Mrs. M. S. Merithew, Mr. Stevens, O. B. Lane, Bangor; Mr. Bremhall, Belfast; Caleb Thomas, Camden; Susan W. Jackson, Hampden; R. Severance, Bradford; B. Colson, Monroe; J. C. Rand, Troy; Mrs. Slite, Portland. Trance, etc.—J. W. Curtis, Mrs. A. Stevens, Bangor; Mrs. Leach, Brewer; Mrs. Thomas, Elsworth. Rapping, etc.—Mrs. J. H. Brown, Mrs. E. R. Pierce, Bangor; I. P. Cotton, Searsport.

NEW HAMPSHIRE.—Healing, etc.—Dr. Burt, Walpole; C. Ramsdell, Nashua; Mr. Bond, Lebanon; Mrs. Danforth, H. C. Coburn, Manchester.

VERMONT.—Healing, etc.—Mrs. Hall, Woodstock; J. M. Holt, Bridgwater; Lucy Cook, Montpelier; Mrs. Whitmore, Reading; Mrs. Cady, West Windsor; Mrs. Cunningham, Gaysville; J. Eastbrook, Troy; A. F. Stevens, Danby; E. A. Smith, Brandon.

Arm-imprints.—Miss Coggswell, Middlebury.

Writing.—Miss M. Leavens, Berkshire.

Tongues.—Mr. Davis, Barnard.

NEW JERSEY.—Healing, etc.—Mrs. C. E. Dorman, Newark; Mrs. Tufts, Jersey City; Mrs. L. L. Pratt, New Brunswick.

PENNSYLVANIA.—Healing, etc.—T. S. Chase, Mrs. J. S. Johnson, and others not reported, Philadelphia; Mrs. Ward, Carbondale; Mrs. Washburn, Bradford; Mrs. Woodard, Fleet, Scott, near Carbondale.

OHIO.—Healing, etc.—Dr. J. Cooper, J. Miller, R. Pash, Emma Shaffleton, Bellefontaine; G. C. Eaton, Mrs. L. Tucker, Cleveland; J. E. Morrison, Akron; Mrs. M. Barrett, Geneva; Mary Phillips, Conneaut; J. Justice, Fremont; Mrs. M. Tuttle, Clyde; W. H. Brown, Gainsville; Mrs. Shakspeare, New Falls; J. S. King, Ravenna; E. M. Cook, Mansfield; Mrs. E. Garner, Cardington; Mrs. K. Smith, Marion; John Walters, J. W. Reed, Chillicothe; J. M. Campbell, Fort Kerney; G. H. Stewart, Clyde.

Painting.—G. E. Walcutt; A. H. Lind, Elyria; J. Cooper, Bellefontaine.

Improvising.—Miss Burdick, Clyde.

Test.—B. Barker, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Bellvue.

Physical.—Mrs. Earle, Newton Falls; Smith’s Spirit Rooms, Cardington; Van Sickle’s Spirit Rooms, Berkshire.

MICHIGAN.—Healing.—Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Irish, Ann Arbor; N. Clark, Hudson; A. Chase, Cannonsburg; G. Bansell, Moscow; W. W. Curtis, R. G. Spaulding, J. C. Murco, Jonesville; Mrs. Fowler, Mr. Mosher, Mosherville; E. C. Dunn, Battle Creek; D. P. Kellogg, Saline; M. E. Dunn, Mr. Sibley, Adrian; H. Slade, Albion; Mrs. Hawkins, White Pigeon.

Trance.—Mr. and Miss J. S. Tuttle, Detroit; Mrs. Scott, Palmyra.

INDIANA.—Test, etc. Mrs. McKellips, Mrs. Parton, Laporte.

Healing.—Mrs. F. M. Shuey, Elkhart; J. H. Hill, C. Elliot, Knightstown; Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Indianapolis; J. Auddleston, Dublin.

Trance.—Mrs. W. Bement, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. E. Carr, Mishawaka; Mrs. Webster, South Bend; G. H. and A. B. Stockham, Lafayette; Cathcart’s Spirit Rooms, Laporte; A. F. Talmadge, healing.

ILLINOIS.—Healing—J. H. Mendenhall, J. J. Richard, Peoria; Mrs. A. Swift, Aurora; Mrs. E. M. Mervin, Belvidere; Mrs. N. Ladd, Rockford; A. Severance, Mrs. E. Vesper, Dixon; Emma E. Pitcher, Chicago; Ruth M. Wonsor, Erie.

Painting.—W. Anderson, La Salle.

WISCONSIN.—Healing.—Mrs. Palmerter, Racine; Mrs. P. Bachelor, Oshkosh; Mrs. A. C. Giltner, Waupum; Mrs. Ferguson, Monroe; Dr. Lathrop, Jonesville.

Trance.—Mrs. Walter Hyde, Pierceville.

IOWA.—Healing.—P. Tompson, Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Holton.

MINNESOTA.—Dr. Woodworth, Lake City.

CANADA WEST.—Healing, etc.—C. B. Tompson, St. Catherines.

Number of mediums reported, 303.

Total mediums and speakers reported, 711.

Reports necessarily imperfect from all sections.

Journals, Wholly or in Part Spiritual.

The Spiritual Clarion, published every other week, one dollar, U. Clark, Auburn, New York.

The Spiritual Telegraph and Fireside Preacher, the veteran of Spiritualism. Weekly, two dollars, Charles Partridge, 428 Broadway, New York.

The Spiritual Age. Weekly, two dollars, W. H. Chaney, 14 Bromfield Street, Boston.

The Banner of Light, a weekly journal of Romance, Literature, General Intelligence, reports of sermons, lectures, etc. Two dollars, Berry, Colby & Col., 3 ½ Brattle Street, Boston, Mass.

The Sunbeam, Batavia, N. Y., Dr. C. D. Griswold, a sound Spiritual Journal; one dollar a volume.

The Christian Spiritualist, L. F. W. Andrews, Macon, Ga. One dollar and fifty cents.

The Practical Christian, semi-monthly, one dollar, Adin Ballou, Hopedale, Mass.

The Spirit Guardian, spiritual, one dollar and fifty cents. G. W. Brown, Bangor, Me.

The Agitator, is a semi-monthly, radical social and spiritual reform. One dollar, Mrs. H. F. M. Brown, Cleveland, Ohio.

The Radical Spiritualist is a small monthly, fifty cents, Butts & Green, Hopedale, Mass.


Dr. O. H. Wellington’s Institute, Jamestown, Chautauque County, N. Y.

Jason F. Walker’s, Glens Falls, N. Y.

Joel Tiffany’s, Balston Spa, N. Y.

Harmonial School, Harmonia, Mich.

New England Union University, not complete; J. L. D. Otis, Norwich, Conn., Agent.

Spiritualists in America.

Maine    50,000
Louisiana    20,000
New Hampshire  25,000
Arkansas    3,000
Vermont   30,000
Ohio    200,000
Rhode Island   10,000
Michigan    80,000
Massachusetts  150,000
Indiana     60,000
Connecticut   30,000
Illinois    100,000
New York  420,000
Wisconsin    80,000
New Jersey   6,000
Iowa     26,000
Pennsylvania   40,000
Minnesota    4,000
Delaware   3,000
Missouri    32,000
Maryland   9,000
Kansas     2,000
Virginia   10,000
Nebraska    2,000
North Carolina  5,000
Florida     1,000
South Carolina  3,000
Texas     25,000
Georgia   7,000
California    40,000
Kentucky   11,000
Oregon     2,000
Tennessee   22,000
New Mexico    2,000
Alabama   8,000
Mississippi  20,000
Cuba     1,000
South America   20,000
The Canadas   42,000

Total number of believers      1,600,000

Increase during the year       160,000

Nominal believers        5,000,000

Spiritualists, Eastern Continent      800,000

Number now living supposed to recognize the fact of spirit intercourse     15,000,000

Population of the United States     30,000,000

Christian communicants       5,000,000

Non-professors out of the Ark of Safety, whom Spiritualism seeks to save     25,000,000

Entire population of the globe      1,000,000,000

Professing Christians       50,000,000

Supposed to be genuine Christians      5,000,000

Of doubtful destiny, according to Orthodoxy    995,000,000


Whole number of Home and Foreign Journals, in part or wholly devoted to Spiritualism, about 30, reaching over 200,000 readers; books and pamphlets, 600; places of meetings and lectures in America, 1500; speakers reported, 408, probable number in all, 1,000; mediums reported, 303, probable number, 50,000; schools, 3, and one Collegiate Institute contemplated; several humanitary movements and associations; actual believers, 1,600,000, nominal, 5,000,000.

“God bless every body!” is my fervent prayer. Why, this new found religion of Spiritualism, makes me as happy as I possibly can be on earth. Everything looks beautiful in its radiant light; all nature is melody, and every soul to me is an organ of celestial music.—P. B. Randolph


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