

The Spiritualist Register, with a Counting House & Speaker’s Almanac; Containing Facts and Statistics of Spiritualism, for 1857. By Mr. & Mrs. U[riah and Eliza] Clark, Auburn, N. Y. U. Clark, 1857.

What Is Spiritualism? Ancient and Modern Spiritualism; Modern Spirit-Manifestations; Number of Spiritualists; General Register—Speakers in Public, Test Mediums & Others; Publications on Spiritualism; Spiritualist Journals; Public Spiritual Meetings; Spiritualists’ Homes.

What is Spiritualism?

Those who would know what Spiritualism teaches, must learn of those who are acknowledged to be its believers and representatives. Yet every believer may have some phrase of opinion peculiarly his own, corresponding with his own individuality: Hence, an individual opinion, or a number of opinions by different individual opinion, or a number of opinions by different individuals on a given point, may not fairly and fully represent Spiritualism as a whole, as received by the mass of the most advanced Spiritualists. All who are called Spiritualists agree in recognizing the fact of Spiritual intercourse between the earth-sphere and the world invisible to external senses; and this constitutes them Spiritualists—at least, in theory, without any regard to opinions on other points, and without regard to creed, character, or standing.

1. Spiritualism, as generally understood, teaches the existence of a supreme Spiritual Intelligence, unfolding, pervading and animating the Universe; a God of infinite attributes and perfections, and the Father of all Spirits, whether in or out of the mortal form.

2. It teaches that man is the Spiritual offspring of God—“made in his image and likeness.”—with God-like attributes, individualized and immortal.

3. Man having a Spiritual nature, God-derived and God-sustained—a compound of all the essences of subordinate objects in creation—in that nature is eternal and progressive.

4. As a personal, essential, intelligent being, man is a Spirit; in this earth-life as an individual, clothed with a material form or body, and made to pass through a state of discipline initiatory to other spheres of existence.

5. When the Spirit has fulfilled its mission in this earth-life, and the body has done its office work, the material form is thrown off in the process of death, and man enters the spheres of Spiritual being.

6. In proportion to his unfoldment in Truth, Wisdom, and Love, man on entering the Spirit-world, may so control certain imponderable elements and influences, under certain conditions, as to come back to earth—in various ways communicate with those who are still in the body, and produce manifestations to demonstrate to the internal and external senses of mortals, the presence, the identity, the power, the intelligence of Spirits; ministering faith to the unbelieving, light to the darkened, joy to the sorrowing, strength to the weak and weary, comfort to the mournful, love to the lonely and neglected, hope to the despairing, and eternal life to the dying.

7. While still in the body, man, according to his spiritual culture and unfolding, may hold direct communication with the Spirit-world, may realize the influences of the Holy Host of heaven, may commune with the ever revealing, ever-inspiring Father-Spirit of the universe, may read the souls of his fellow men, with an interior eye, may sometimes penetrate time and space with a prophetic glance, may have such command over the invisible elements, in co-operation with unseen intelligences, as to control disease, heal the sick, bless the unfortunate, and dismantle death of its dreads.

8. On entering the Spirit-world, man takes the plane or state corresponding the nearest to the plane, the interior condition, the predominant character of his earth-life; though opposed by nothing in the Divine Economy to prevent the overcoming of all evil, the eternal progress of the Spirit, and the ultimate reign of harmony throughout the empire of Him who shall become all in all.

9. The bond of all true Unity, is, Love, the essence of God, the element of the angel-world, the life current of all spiritual communion, the test of Jesus, the touchstone of all noble souls whose deeds have blessed humanity, the criterion of all faith, all fraternity, all forms, all mediums, and all fellowship with earth and heaven.

10. Spiritualism is in harmony with all sound Revelation, Reason, Philosophy, and Religion; and without seeking any direct antagonism with seemingly opposite systems, seeks rather to recognise the good and the true in every thing, and to harmonize all things according to the laws of eternal progress as under the guidance of him who governs supreme, through men and angels, over all worlds and intelligences.

11. It recognises the Sacred Histories and Scriptures of all ages and nations; accepts Christianity in Spirit—not as embodied in creeds, but as taught and exemplified by Christ and his apostles; each believer claiming the Protestant right of private judgment to read and interpret for himself, accountable for his opinions to none except God at the bar of his own conscience.

12. It claims that modern spiritual manifestations, in their multiplied forms and phases, are in entire harmony with so-called miracles, revelations, inspirations, angel-visitations, and demonstrations of invisible power and intelligence recorded in the Bible; that both are accounted for by the same laws; that the same laws are eternal and unchangeable in their operations; that in each grand epoch in the history of the world, manifestations have been and will continue to be adapted to the needs of man as a being of unending progress; that the Past, Present and Future are indissolubly linked as one; and that no contempt is thrown upon the Past, with all its noble heroes, martyrs, seers, sages, saints, mediums and Messiah, in accepting the manifestations of the Present, and in contending that the same Heavens whose light shone on the brow of Olivet, are still open to-day for man to commune with God and angels, and receive foretastes of the Divine life.

13. To thousands who have no faith in the Past, who are without hope, without God, Spiritualism gives demonstrations of immortality, and they go on their way rejoicing.

14. To thousands who have only a faint and feeble faith, it gives like demonstrations.

15. To those who mourn in Zion over the coldness of religion, it gives new life, and inspires them with a glowing consciousness that God and the Holy Host have not withdrawn from the world.

16. It demonstrates anew, and re-affirms with life-quickening power, all the divine precepts of Christ, and those who have gone before, making them the living truths of to-day, and enforcing them home on the heart and life, with all the pathos, the unction, inevitable in realizing the presence of loving spirit-friends and of angel beings pleading in the name of the Father and the holy dead.

17. Spiritualism recognizes the foreshadowing of some truth in all the false mythologies, superstitions, forms, creeds and religions of the Past and Present, and instead of first making aggressive war on these, proposes to lift man up and out of them, and build up in him the true church, and a temple fit for the indwelling of the Divine Spirit and of angel guests.

18. It maintains that spirits produce audible concussions or raps, accompanied by tests convincive of spiritual agency; move material objects not in contact with any human organism; present spirit forms and spirit scenes; hold intercourse with mortals; communicate messages manifesting super-human intelligence; make impressions on the minds of mediums; read, write, speak, think, act and personify through persons, who are suitably susceptible; identify themselves to their earth-friends; read and transmit to a distance, thoughts and messages; describe distant objects, scenes and persons; sometimes make accurate predictions, and give reliable counsel; speak in tongues, and interpret languages unknown to the mediums; examine, describe and cure diseases; raise persons and ponderable bodies without regard to the law of gravitation; exhibit spirit lights; touch persons and cause them to feel their influence; execute music audible to the sense of hearing; and in the hour of closing nature, reveal themselves to mortals and welcome them home to the spheres.

19. It teaches that all mortals have within themselves the elements of mediumship to commune with the spirit-world; are more or less in communication with spirits in and out of the form and measurably influenced by them, either for good or ill, whether they are conscious of it or not; and the influences, manifestations, impressions and communications they receive, will in a measure if not entirely correspond with the moral plane mortals occupy, the affections that predominate, and the life they lead: and, hence, the need of a true life in order to attain a true, harmonic Spiritualism.

20. While it prescribes no ceremonies or creeds to coerce or cramp the conscience, it recognizes the doctrine of individual liberty and responsibility; the duty of individual regeneration, in conformity to physical and spiritual laws; the self retributive elements of wrong; the self recompense of the right; the necessity of practicing Love, Purity, Justice and Humanity in the attainment of Harmony, Happiness or Heaven either in the Present or Future life; and the right and duty of every man to seek all the light he needs as his guide, and settle for himself all matters between his own conscience and God.

Ancient and Modern Spiritualism

Men in all ages and nations have claimed more or less communication with the Spirit-world, and have their Miracles, their Revelations and sacred Scriptures, each varying according to prevalent enlightenment. Chinaman, Hindoo, Persian, Arabian, Turk, Greek, Hebrew and Christian, each has his Bible. The Anglo Saxon race is most familiar with the Hebrew and Christian Bible. Spiritualists claim that the Bible did not close when St. John completed the Apocalypse. There is abundant evidence that Spiritual manifestations like those recorded in the New Testament and those now occurring, were common in the earlier ages of the Christian church.—In the family of Rev. John Wesley, during the last century, strange sounds were heard which he declared must have been produced by Spirits. Many others concurred with him. Most of our grandsires and mothers relate similar occurrences. Mrs. Crowe in her Nightside of Nature gives hundreds of reliable cases of manifestations demonstrating the agency of spirits and the spiritual nature of man. The Seeress of Prevorst, Germany, 1825-28 was an acknowledged clairvoyant and medium for raps and other spirit demonstrations.

Capron in his valuable history of Modern Spiritualism, says the manifestations first began in 1844, Hydesville, Arcadia, Wayne Co., N. Y., in a small house then occupied by Mrs. Ann Pulver and her daughter, who testified as to the hearing of mysterious knockings. Little, however, was said or done, till 1847, when Mr. M. Weekman lived in the same house, and remained till the family were alarmed. Mrs. John D. Fox with Mrs. Fox and three daughters moved into the house in Dec. 1847, and the knockings began to attract attention in March 1848. On learning a method to communicate intelligently with the sounds the neighbors flocked in, and multitudes came from a distance to return with the wonderful story that the Spirits of the departed could come back and break the silence of death.

From that lowly advent in 1848, Spiritualism, with its unnumbered manifestations adapted to every plane of mind, has spread its circles abroad, until, within the brief space of nine years, it has swept to the remotest bounds of civilization, and now numbers more gladdened disciples than many of the religious orders which began centuries since.

Modern Spirit-Manifestations.

The Bible manifestations [. . .] are generally accredited, on the testimony of witnesses on earth centuries ago; the following facts are substantiated by reliable living witnesses. The phenomena occurred under circumstances rendering trick, art and illusion impossible.

A murder is exposed by spirits—Spirits speak in audible voices; write, touch persons; move heavy objects; lift large billets of timber, with no human contact—They make loud noises on doors and roofs to call attention—They telegraph a death, sixty miles.—They counsel George Willets well, and give remarkable predictions which prove timely and true—The Rochester committees are unable to account for the raps, without admitting spirit agency.—The spirits in Auburn, make music, move tables, etc.—They prevent a fire.—Some imperfect mortals are supposed to be misdirected in the Mountain Cove movement.—Rev. Dr. Phelps is besieged by hosts of spirits.—Bancroft, Hawks, Francis, Willis, Marcy, Cooper, Ripley, Bryant, and other literati are unable to account for the rappings.—Gordon is lifted up bodily.—Judge Edmonds becomes a seer.—The spirits work an instantaneous cure of the lame. [Capron’s Modern Spiritualism . . .] A medical spring discovered.—Spirits cure a cancer.—Spirit lights made.—The spirits seek out a lone suffering orphan child.—A spirit warns and protects.—The soul is read. [Telegraph Papers . . .] Cholera cured.—The dying restored. Mourners comforted by a spirit.—A prodigal saved.—A spirit recognized.—A saw vibrated.—Fore warning of death.—House illumined, and converse held with spirit-friends.—Spirit proclaiming the gospel of peace. [Spiritual Clarion . . .].

Number of Spiritualists in the United States of America

Maine  10,000
Ohio  100,000
New Hampshire  5,000
Indiana   20,000
Massachusetts   75,000
Mississippi  5,000
Rhode Island   2,000
D. C. Columbia 1,000
Connecticut   10,000
Illinois   75,000
Vermont   15,000
Michigan  50,000
New York City  40,000
Louisiana  20,000
New York State  200,000
Missouri  15,000
New Jersey   3,000
Alabama  5,000
Pennsylvania   50,000
Arkansas  1,000
Delaware   no data
Florida   1,000
Maryland   5,000
Wisconsin  50,000
Virginia   no data
Iowa   20,000
North Carolina  1,000
Texas   10,000
South Carolina  2,000
California  10,000
Georgia   2,000
Minnesota  no data
Kentucky   5,000
New Mexico  1,000
Tennessee   10,000
Utah   no data
Oregon    no data

Total   780,000

If among these are included those who are seeking spiritual evidence, with no other faith or hope, the number would be increased to 3,000,000. Reckoning according to the method that makes out two hundred millions of Christians on the globe, the Spiritualists would number about 100,000,000. Nearly one half of all the rural and village population in the northern states may be regarded as inclining to Spiritualism. No large town or city, nor scarcely a rural district is without its mediums and believers.

In Toronto, St. Catharines, and other towns in the Canadas are fifteen or twenty thousand. For some large towns and cities where Spiritualism is known to have been advocated, and meetings held [. . .]

Eastern Continent

The Spiritual phenomena have spread more or less through all the countries of the east.

Robert Owen and many other prominent minds have been enlisted in England, and several publications have been issued. In Germany and France the most advanced men have been compelled to grapple with the marvels of the day; and like many Americans, some of them have shown their tendency to an unfortunate dotage in assigning Spiritualism to the devil.

There are believers as far as the East Indias, with some of whom Judge Edmonds has held interesting correspondence.

Startling Statistics of the Whole Globe.

The entire population of the globe is about one thousand millions. Only two hundred millions are nominal Christians; about fifty millions of professors. Are there more than one million of the genuine?—Then according to the theology of fifty millions, nine hundred and ninety-nine millions of souls of this generations must be forever lost.

The population of the United States of America is twenty-three millions. There are thirty-eight thousand churches, and twenty-five thousand ministers. Each minister has on an average a thousand souls in charge! Each church may average one hundred members under the influence of the theology professed. Then there are twenty millions of souls—God and his angels alone must save.

General Register

We publish the names of Evangels, Lecturers and Mediums, without criticism or commendations, allowing the public to judge, and the individuals to be responsible for themselves.

As this is the first attempt to present anything like a complete register, none will expect it to be full and accurate in every particular. If any important names are omitted, it is not intentional. Subsequent editions will be open for corrections and additions.

Where titles are affixed to names, it is only to designate the past or present professions of the individuals, and not to add or detract any merit.

Speakers in Public

Tarry—till ye be endowed with power from on high.—Preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons.—These signs shall follow them that believe.—I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves.—be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.—JESUS


Rev. Thomas L. Harris, New York City
Miss C. M. Beebe, New York City
Rev. S. B. Brittan, 342 Broadway, New York City
Rev. William Fishbough, New York City
Rev. T. C. Benning, New York City
Charles Partridge, New York City
Dr. R. T. Hallock, New York City
Dr. J. R. Orton, New York City
Dr. Wellington, New York City
H. H. Tator, New York City
John F. Coles, New York City
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis, New York City
Judge J. W. Edmonds, occasional, New York City
Dr. J. B. Dods, New York City
Miss Emma F. Jay, Trance Speaker, New York City
Mrs. John F. Coles, Trance Speaker, New York City
Mrs. Cora Scott Hatch, Trance Speaker, New York City
Mrs. Beck, Trance Speaker, New York City
Mrs. E. J. French, Trance occasional Speaker, New York City
Rev. C. Hammond, Trance & Normal Speaker, Rochester
G. M. Jackson, Trance Speaker, Prattsburg
S. A. Johnson, Trance Speaker, Prattsburg
Mrs. Dr. J. Crowley, Trance Speaker, Victory
Thomas G. Foster, Trance Speaker, Buffalo
Dr. Brodkie, Trance Speaker, Buffalo
Mrs. F. M. Gay, Trance Speaker, Buffalo
J. W. Seaver, Trance and Normal Speaker, Byron
Mrs. E. C. Peck, Trance Speaker & clair phys., Phoenix
Mrs. W. Palmer, Trance Speaker, Big Flats
Mrs. J. H. Allen, Trance Speaker, Auburn
Mrs. C. Elliot, Trance Speaker, Spaffords Corners
Mr. and Mrs. U. Clark, Trance Speaker, Auburn
Rev. D. C. O’Daniels, Trance Speaker, Frankfort
H. K. Parks, Trance Speaker, Baldwinsville
Ira Hitchcock, occasional, Oneida
E. Stone, occasional, Oneida
F. Woodward, occasional, Syracuse
J. C. Vantassel, occasional, Messina Springs
G. Weeden, occasional, Morris
Dr. H. A. Benton, occasional, New York
H. Smith, occasional, New York
Dr. A. M. Potter, occasional, Elmira
H. M. Stewart, occasional, Penn Yan
Rev. H. Slade, occasional, Saratoga
G. W. Taylor, occasional, North Collins
George Prior, occasional, Waterloo


A. E. Newton, Boston
Rev. S. C. Hewitt, Boston
Rev. J. M. Spear, Boston
Rev. Herman Snow, Boston
J. Orvis, Boston
Dr. A. B. Child, Boston
Miss Elizabeth Smith, Trance Speaker, Boston
Dr. John Mayhew, Trance Speaker, Clair Phys, Boston
Miss Rosa F. Amedy, Trance Speaker, Roxbury
S. Morse, Trance Speaker, Springfield
Miss L. A. Jewitt, Trance Speaker, Clair Phys, Springfield
Miss Sarah Magoun, Trance Speaker, East Cambridge
Miss Vesta J. Burrell, Trance Speaker, Randolph
Mrs. Sarah B. Ellis, Trance Speaker, Clair Phys, Hanson
H. P. Fairfield, Trance Speaker, Wilbraham
William Hume, Trance Speaker, Wilbraham
N. S. Greenleaf, Trance Speaker, Haverhill
Mrs. J. Puffer, Trance Speaker, North Hanson
Rev. D. F. Godard, Chelsea
Allen Putnam, Roxbury
J. J. Locke, South Reading
J. H. W. Toohey, Salem
R. Elmer, and many others occasional, Springfield


Joel Tiffany, Painsville
Mrs. H. F. M. Brown, Cleveland
L. S. Everett, Cleveland
Elijah Woodworth, Cleveland
Mrs. Dr. Britt, Trance & Clair Physician, Cleveland
B. W. Freeman, Trance & Clair Physician, Columbus
F. Gale, Columbus
W. H. Crittenden, Trance & Clair Physician, Grafton
L. E. Barnard, Akron
William Denton, Dayton
Dr. A. Underhill, A. Topping, H. L. Clark


Rev. Gibson Smith, South Shaftsbury
A. E. Simmons, Trance Speaker, Woodstock
Miss A. W. Sprague, Trance Speaker, Plymouth
Mrs. F. O. Hyzer, Trance Speaker, Burlington
Mrs. M. S. Townsend, Trance Spkr & Clair Phys, Burlington


Prof. R. Hare, Dr. Harvey, Mr. De Wolfe, Mr. Rhen, and others of Philadelphia, occasional. W. S. Courtney, Pittsburg, Pa., Dr. Cragin, Georgetown, D. C., occasional. G. C. Stewart, William Miller, Newark, N. J., Mrs. H. F. Huntley, Providence, R. I., Mrs. Frances Hyer, California—Rev. R. P. Ambler, L. J. Pardee, S. J. Finney, Mrs. E. A. Kingsbury, Mrs. Morrell, Mrs. VanDusen, address not known. Rev. J. B. Ferguson, N. Orleans, L. A. Kooney, Portland, Me., J. C. Smith, Ill., Mrs. Storer, N. Haven, Ct., Warren Chase, Battle Creek, Mrs. C. M. Tuttle, Albion, Mich., Hon. N. P. Tallmadge, Fon du Lac, Dr. C. P. Stanfield, Penduville, Wis.

Test Mediums & Others

There are diversities of gifts and operations—differences of administrations—of the same Spirit—the same God—but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. To one is given—the word of wisdom—another the word of knowledge, another faith—another gift of healing—another working of miracles—another prophesy, another discerning of Spirits—another tongues—another interpretation of tongues; but all those worketh the self-same spirit, dividing severally to every man as he needs.—PAUL.

Mrs. E. J. French, clair phys, 8 4th Ave, New York City
Mrs. J. E. Kellogg, spirit-test, 625 Broadway, New York City
J. B. Conklin, spirit-test, 477 Broadway, New York City
Mrs. H. Porter, spirit-test, 109 West 24th, New York City
Mrs. M. B. Gourlay, clair phys, 77 Lex Ave, New York City
Mrs. Bradley, healing, 109 Green, New York City
Miss Katy Fox, test-rapping, Cor. 4th 22nd, New York City
Mrs. A. L. Brown, test-rapping, 1 Lud. Place, New York City
Mrs. M. J. Mabin, clair phys, 37 Laf. Place, New York City
Mrs. Haves, clair phys, 176 Grand, New York City
Mrs. M. Dexter, clair phys, 137 W. 19th, New York City
Mrs. J. A. Johnson, clair phys, 48 Walker, New York City
Mrs. Lines & Co., clair phys, 94 Canal, New York City
Miss Seabring, spirit-test, 115 ½ Grand, New York City
G. A. Redman, spirit-test, 391 Canal, New York City
Miss Mildred Cole, speaking,  485 6th Ave, New York City
Miss S. Hoyt, writing, etc., Newtown
A. B. Smith, clairvoyant physician, Rondout
A. G. Fellows, clairvoyant physician, Albion
W. F. VanVleck, clairvoyant physician, Auburn
Mr. & Mrs. I. G. Atwood, clairvoyant physicians, Lockport
N. W. Bruce, clairvoyant physician, Lockport
Trowbridge & Finch, clairvoyant physicians, Buffalo
Mrs. W. Gay, clairvoyant physician, Canastota
Mrs. Goodrich, clairvoyant physician, Ithaca
H. M. Dunbar, clairvoyant physician, Penn Yan
Mrs. L. M. Tuttle, clairvoyant physician, Byron
Miss M. Comstock, arm imprints, Rochester
J. D. Seely, healing, Morris
J. Beagle, healing, Niles
Miss Sarah Brooks, rapping, etc., Buffalo
Mrs. F. M. Gay, speaking, etc., Buffalo
Davenports, physical, Buffalo
E. J. Matthews, impressional, Union Springs
Miss J. Hall, raps, etc., Gowanda
A. Clark, writing, Elbridge


Mrs. J. R. Mettler, clairvoyant physician, Hartford
Pollard, clairvoyant physician, Hartford
H. Gordon, spirit-test, Hartford
Caroline E. Dorman, clairvoyant physician, New Haven
A. C. Stiles, clairvoyant physician, Bridgeport
C. Hall, clairvoyant physician, Travelling


Mrs. W. R. Hayden, clair phys, test, etc., 5 Hay Place, Boston
Miss F. Burbank, trance, 98 Hudson, Boston
Mrs. A. W. Snow, trance, etc., 104 Tyler, Boston
Mrs. B. K. Little, raps, etc., 46 Eliot, Boston
Mrs. J. H. Conant, test, 2 Central Ct., Boston
Mrs. E. D. Starkweather, raps, 6 Barre Pl., Boston
Mrs. Bean, raps, 10 Chickering, Boston
C. C. York, healing
W. T. Osborn, healing, 110 Cambr., Boston
Peabody, healing, 54 Hudson, Boston
C. Main, healing asylum, 7 Davis, Boston
W. E. Rice, clair physician, 98 Hudson, Boston
H. C. Gordon, clair physician, 5 Hay Place, Boston
Mrs. L. W. Kemlo, healing, 2 Bullfinch, Boston
Mrs. E. C. Young, healing, etc., 24 Henly, Charlestown
Mrs. A. Dexter, healing, Ware
Mrs. E. W. Sidney, healing, Fitchburg
J. A. Bassett, healing, Salem
O. Williams, clair physician, Chicopee
Mrs. Clark, clair physician, G. Barrington


G. C. Eaton, healing, Cleveland
Mrs. P. M. Williamson, clairvoyant physician, Cleveland
J. S. King, clairvoyant physician, Ravenna
E. M. Cook, clairvoyant physician, Mansfield
Mrs. A. D. Cridge, clairvoyant physician, Dayton


Mrs. Coan, test raps, etc; R. P. Wilson, psychometrist. Mrs. M. H. Brown, clairvoyant physician, South Royalton, Miss M. Leavens, writing, West Berkshire, Vt.; Miss S. J. Irish, raps, St. Louis; Mrs. L. L. Platt, New Brunswick, clairvoyant physician, Mrs. Tufts, clairvoyant physician, Jersey City, N. J.; C. Ramsdell, clairvoyant physician, Nashua, N. H.; T. S. Chase, clairvoyant physician, 256 N. 12th Street, Philadelphia; M. VanAvery, clairvoyant physician, Erie, Penn.; L. Smith, Minoka, Ill., H. Cutler, Belfast, Me.; R. S. Scott, Palmyra, Brown, poet, Detroit, Mich.; E. V. Wilson, Toronto, Canada West; Koons, Tippie’s, Davis, etc., Ohio

There are numerous speakers and mediums of the most efficient character, scattered through the states, territories, Canadas and the eastern continent, whose names are not before the public; besides tens of thousands in process of development.

Publications on Spiritualism

The following works issued by Partridge and Brittan, New York, Bela Marsh, Boston, and others, can be sent by them, or be ordered from the Spiritual Clarion Office, Auburn, N. Y.

Spiritualism Explained, Joel Tiffany    $1.00
Healing of the Nations, Tallmadge, Linton   $1.50
Modern Spiritualism, E. W. Capron    $1.00
Ministry of Angels, A. E. Newton     .15
Answers to Charges, A. E. Newton     .10
Compendium of Swedenborg, Fernald   $2.00
Macrocosm, Fishbough      .50
Discussion, S. B. Brittan and Dr. Richmond   $1.00
Tables Turn, S. B. Brittan Reply to Butler    .25
Review of Beecher, S. B. Brittan     .25
Reply to Mahan, S. B. Brittan      .25
Telegraph Papers, 4 vol.      .75
The Shekinah, 3 vol.      $2.50
Spiritualism, 2 vol. Edmonds & Dexter   $1.25
Epic of Starry Heaven, T. L. Harris     .75
Lyric of Morning Land, T. L. Harris     .75
Lyric of Golden Age, T. L. Harris    $1.50
Spiritual Flowers, Mrs. J. S. Adams, Dr. Child   .85
Lily Wreath, Mrs. J. S. Adams     .85
Rivulet from Ocean of Truth, Mrs. J. S. Adams   .25
Progressive Spirit-Life, Mrs. J. S. Adams    .15
Natty, a Spirit, Allen Putnam      .63
Spirit Works, Allen Putnam      .25
A Letter to the Church, J. S. Adams     .15
Objections Answers, J. S. Adams     .25
Spirit-Manifestations, Adin Ballou     .75
Seeress of Prevorst, Mrs. Crowe     .38
Night-side of Nature, Mrs. Crowe    $1.25
Spirit Intercourse, Rev. H. Snow     .60
Astounding Facts, J. A. Gridly     .63
Spirit Discourses, Rev. R. P. Wilson     .63
Spirit Messages, Rev. J. M. Spear     .50
Philosophy of Creation, H. G. Wood     .38
Testament and Modern Miracles, J. H. Fowler   .30
Spirit Scenes, H. Tuttle      .50
Hare’s Large Work      $1.75
W. Chase’s Three Lectures      .20
Religion of Manhood, J. H. Robinson    .50
Spirit Intercourse, A. Cridge      .38
Courtney’s Reply to Dods      .25
Ministry of Angels, Rev. J. B. Ferguson    .15
Record of Facts, Rev. J. B. Ferguson     .50
Mrs. Mettler, F. H. Green      .28
Philosophy of Spirit World, Rev. C. Hammond   .63
Pilgrimage of Paine, Rev. C. Hammond    .50
Voices from Spirit World, I. Post     .50
Spiritual Reasoner, E. W. Lewis     .75
Birth of Universe, Rev. R. P. Ambler     .50
Spiritual Teacher, Rev. R. P. Ambler     .50
Evangel of Spheres, Rev. D. J. Mandell    .30
Spirit Voices Odes, E. C. Henck     .38
Spirit-Minstrel, Packard and Loveland    .38
Voices from Spirit-land, N. F. White     .75
Great Harmonia, 4 vol., A. J. Davis    $1.00
Nature’s Divine Revelations, A. J. Davis   $2.00
Penetralia, A. J. Davis      $1.00
Spiritual Intercourse, A. J. Davis     .50
Present Age, A. J. Davis     $1.00

Postage on works costing from 10 to 15 cts, about 3 cts; from $ ¼ to $ ½, 6 to 9 cts; $ ½ to $ ¾, 9 to 15 cts, $ ¾ to $1, 15 to 25 cts, and up in proportion.

These, together with many other smaller works, and others on collateral subjects, are being sold at a rate to reach as many as five hundred thousand souls.

Weekly Spiritualist Journals

Spiritual Clarion, Mr. and Mrs. U. Clark, Editors, Auburn, N. Y., 8 pages, quarto, one dollar a year, in advance.

Its first volume began Nov. 15, 1856, and subscriptions up to present date have increased at a rate to warrant several thousand, before the close of the year. For the prospectus, see cover of this Register.

Spiritual Telegraph, S. B. Brittan, Editor; Partridge and Brittan, Publishers and Proprietors, 342 Broadway, N. Y. Two dollars.

This is the most effective pioneer journal of modern Spiritualism. It began May, 1852, as successor to the Univercoelum and the Shekinah, by the same finished editor, and now has a circulation of over five thousand. The public is indebted to this able firm for a large number of first class Spiritual publications, and for much of the character Spiritualism has established.

New England Spiritualist, A. E. Newton, Editor. 15 Franklin St., Boston. Two Dollars.

This paper is conducted with a Spirit commanding general esteem. Its circulation is wide and influence genial.

Christian Spiritualist, by the Society for the Diffusion of Spiritual Knowledge, 553 Broadway, N. Y. Two Dollars.

It has an influential circulation, is conducted with taste and talent, takes the harmonic Christian plane, and the zealous philanthropist whose means have gone largely in its support, has the recompense of his enterprising spirit.

Age of Progress, S. Albro, Editor, published under the patronage of the Buffalo Harmonial Association, N. Y. Two Dollars.

It is a strong advocate of the fact of Spirit-intercourse, and gives full weekly reports of home meetings and mediums, having an able band of patrons in Buffalo and Western New York.

Spiritual Universe, L. S. Everett, Editor, Cleveland, Ohio. Two Dollars.

Through the long experience of the editor, it wields heavy blows in favor of the Harmonial Philosophy.

Spiritual Messenger, Dr. E. Mead, Editor, Cincinnati, Ohio. Two Dollars.

Truth Seeker, Bowman and Louden, Angola, Ind. One Dollar fifty cents.

The Mediator, Barnes and Hulbert, Conneaut, Ohio. One Dollar fifty cents.

The Crisis, J. S. and W. Weller, La Porte, Ind., Semi-monthly. Two Dollars.

New Church Spiritualism.

Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph, London, England.

North Western Excelsior, Porter and Smith, Waukegan, Ill. Two Dollars.


Tiffany’s Monthly, Joel Tiffany, Editor; Rev. William Fishbough, aid; Partridge and Brittan, Publishers, N. Y. Three Dollars.

This is conceded the most sound, philosophical, and indispensable of the Spiritual periodicals, taking the broadest, loftiest harmonic ground adapted to the needs of all who are seeking the divinest light and life.

Sacred Circle, Judge Edmonds and O. G. Warren, Editors; S., A. and H. Hoyt, aids and publishers, 132 Nassau St., N. Y. Two Dollars.

This veteran monthly well sustains the characteristics of its original editors, and adds to its interest the contributions of the Misses and Mr. Hoyt.

The Principle, edited by a corps of spirits in and out of the form; published at J. B. Conklin’s rooms, 477 Broadway, N. Y. Fifty cents.

It is radical, earnest, fearless and free in discussing the most delicate and important questions of the day.

The united circulation of these various weeklies and monthlies is about twenty thousand, embracing a circle of readers numbering nearly a hundred thousand.

Public Spiritual Meetings

Forget not the assembling of yourselves—How is it then, Brethren? When ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm—a doctrine, a tongue—a revelation—an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying—decently and in order—PAUL. And they were all of one accord in one place—and were filled with the Holy Ghost.—ACTS.

New York City

Rev. T. L. Harris discourses to a congregation of Christian Spiritualists, Academy Hall, Broadway, Sunday Mornings and Eve.

Dodworth’s Hall, 808 Broadway, Lectures, Sunday morning, evening. Conferences, 3 P.M. Free.

Bowery Circles, 195 Bowery, speaking under spirit influence, Sunday afternoon, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. For Spiritualists only. Small fee at the door.

Several regular meetings and circles not reported.

New York State

Brooklyn—Discourses. Union Hall, 23 Court St., Sunday, 2 P. M.
Troy—Lectures. Harmony Hall, Sunday 2 and 7 P. M. Free.
Elmira—Free conference, Sunday, P. M.
Rochester—Conferences. Goulds’ Hall, Sunday A. M. and P. M.
Newtown—Free circles, at A. Hoyt’s, Sunday, 2 P. M.
Auburn—Discourses. Stanford Hall, Sunday, 3 P. M.
Syracuse—Free Discussions, all sects. Market Hall, Sunday, 2 P. M.
Buffalo—Lectures on the “Harmonial Philosophy.” American Hall, Sunday morning and evening. Also, Temperance Hall thrice each Sunday.

There are about one hundred free or vacant churches in this state where meetings are held whenever speakers can be had; likewise Halls, as in Utica, Albany, Syracuse, Lyons, Lockport, Binghamton, and many other places.


Boston—Lectures. Melodeon, Sunday A. M. and evening. Small fee.
Chapman Hall, conference P. M., discussion, evening. Small fee.
Horticultural Hall, three times Sunday, trance speaking.
Chelsea—Rev. D. F. Goddard, Fremont Hall, morning, evening. Free.
Cambridgeport—Washington Hall, 3 and 7 P. M. Also, Wait’s Hall, same hours.

Regular meetings likewise in Salem, Lowell, Lawrence, Springfield, Worcester, and about twenty other towns in the State.

Philadelphia—Lectures. Sansom St. Hall, Sunday morning and evening—Corner Spring Garden and 9th St., Sundays three times—Phoenix St. church, Kensington at intervals.

Newark, N. J.—Central Hall, thrice on Sunday.

Scattering—Meetings, lectures, or circles are regular or occasional in Baltimore, Washington, New Orleans, Bangor, Portland, Manchester, Toronto, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, Akron, Ypsilanti, Ceresco, Jackson, Chicago, Milwaukee, Racine, Waukegan, Battle Creek, St. Louis, Nashville, Louisville, and in about five hundred places scattered through the northern and western states.

Spiritualists’ Homes

New York—Tremont House, corner of 6th Ave., and 40th St.
Mr. and Mrs. Levy—Private boarding, 137 Spring.
Boston—Fountain House, corner of Beach and Harrison Street, Dr. H. F. Gardner.


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