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Periodical: The Essene

Summary:   From Pat Deveney's database:

Essene, The.
A Magazine of Construction.
Life, Light, Liberty / I have no creed, or if a creed but this: I love humanity
1902-1917? Monthly
Denver, CO. Publisher: Reed Publishing Co.. Editor: James Arthur Edgerton and Grace Mann Brown ("Ione").
1/1, July 1902-1917(?) $1.00 a year, 48-16 pp. Noted as received by the Banner of Light 91/21 (July 19, 1902): 4, and noted in The Swastika, May 1908, which mentions that it had re-appeared after a hiatus.

Edgerton was noted at the time as a "poet of the western plains" and is now forgotten except for his later role as president of the International New Thought Alliance. Brown ("Ione," 1859-1925) wrote frequently on the Essenes for the Swastika and many other journals as well as this one, and advertised widely for "the modern organization"-- her own Essene Circle. Its teachings, from her articles and published lessons, have little content besides her conviction that the Essenes were the forerunners of Masonry and all modern occult movements; they were the "ancient spiritualists" and "Cosmic Thinkers" of the earth. The journal described itself as a journal of the Sunrise, a product of the New Age, brought to birth by the burgeoning New Thought movement. Brown says of the Essenes that they were "a people of real spiritual vision, who practice brotherhood in their lives." The Essene Circle in Denver was still being noted in New Thought journals as late as 1916. S.C. Gould, in the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, 1908, says of the order:

    "The modern Society of the Essenes is distinctly practical. Its foundation word is 'Construction.' It builds upon the belief that the God manifestation in all expressions of life is the result of combined Action of Love and Wisdom which is in one word -- CONSTRUCTION. The members of this Order meet at twelve o'clock every day together in thought and send to each other and all the world a thought message of construction. All sin, sickness, poverty and health must be dissolved from the earth planet, through constructive thoughts, words, and deeds of the race.

    These Essenes teach and practice healing of the body, mind, and purse, and in the absolute overcoming of evil and the manifestation of perfection. There are Essene Circles established in different cities and towns in all parts of the world, and others are being formed. . . . Grace M. Brown is President."

Over the years Brown was also connected with Weltmer's Magazine, Fulfillment, and Ione's Life Studies. The journal carried monthly installment of Brown's Esoteric Studies, Common Sense Talks with Ione, Life Lessons, Studies in Spiritual Harmony, and the like, on Vibration, Concentration, Breathing, etc.).

Issues:Essene V1 N1 1902 Jul
Essene V1 N2 1902 Aug
Essene V1 N3 1902 Sep
Essene V1 N4 1902 Oct
Essene V1 N5 Nov 1902
Essene V1 N6 Dec 1902
Essene V2 N1 Jan 1903
Essene V2 N2 Feb 1903
Essene V2 N4 1903 Apr
Essene V2 N5 1903 May
Essene V2 N6 1903 Jun
Essene V3 N2 1903 Aug
Essene V3 N3 1903 Sep
Essene V3 N4 1903 Oct
Essene V3 N5 1903 Nov
Essene V3 N6 1903 Dec
Essene V4 N1 1904 Jan
Essene V4 N2 1904 Feb
Essene V4 N3 1904 Mar
Essene V6 N1 1917 Jan Partial

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