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Periodical: Echo du Monde Occulte

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Echo du Monde Occulte, L'.
Revue bi-mensuelle de vulgarisation des sciences occultes et divinatoires.
1905-1906 Bimonthly
Paris, France. Language: French. Editor: Lucien Bodin; editor-in-chief, Rene Schwaeble, scientific editor.
1/1, November 5, 1905-March 20, 1906. 16 pp.

This was an independent journal published to popularize occultism, especially traditional magical evocations and talismans, and was designed to allow its readers to practice the ceremonial magic of the medieval and Renaissance grimoires. To facilitate the progress of its readers the publisher sold a complete line of "products necessary for the practice of occultism . . . consecrated according to the rites": sympathetic inks (in varous colors), appropriate gems and magnets, verveine picked on March 31st, virgin parchment, talismans, magic mirrors, magic swords, mandrake, etc. Schwaeble is remembered today as the author of a variety of popular books on alchemy, love potions, talismans and spells, and the like, and as the first to record the manufacture (in Paris, of course) of the first commercial sex doll. BNF, microfil

Issues:Echo Du Monde Occulte V1 N1 Nov 5 1905

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